First sight of Harry!

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first time wrighting.

Hope's p.o.v

I woke up early on a Saturday morning, the birds singing and the hot Australian sun, beaming through my window. I walk out to find my family sitting around the table at breakfast. Out of nowhere they all start singing Happy Birthday! After breakfast we decided to head to the beach.

On the way to the beach my younger brother asks Mum if I have received my gift yet. I haven't so far and it's not bothering me either.
"Hope come over here, your father and I want to give you something." "Ok on my way," I pause for a moment to take in the breath taking view of the beach. " just a second I'm just finishing getting my bored ready." A few minutes go by and when I go to see Mum and Dad they are having a conversation, so I interupted " Mum you called?" "Yes your father and I have something for you." "what is it?" " Well we both thought, that for your 18th birthday you should get something you love," Mum pauses and it kills me. I just want to know what it is. " so here you go." Dad holds out an envelope for me. "What is it?" "Open it!" Dad says encouragingly. When I open it I think I all most start crying.

Harry's p.o.v

I'm just sitting on my couch thinking. I don't know what it is but I feel like today something great is going to happen. All of a sudden their is a knock at my door. " come in, it's open." That's when Louis walks in. "Hey mate what are you doing today?" He asks. "Nothing much, I was just thinking about going to the beach. Want to join me?" "Of course I would!" Louis says with a "dar" kind if voice.

_________20 minutes later

We get out of the car to head down to the beach, when Louis suddenly jumps on my back because the sand is too hot. "Wow Lou look at that chick surfing, I bet you can't do that." "I can too." "No you can't, I bet you can't." "Fine if it's a bet you want its a bet you get." I drop Louis right their on the sand and he yells and runs into the water. After Louis and I are finished with a quick dip in the water, we decide to head over the lady that was surfing.

Hope's p.o.v

I get out of the water and just finished taking off my wetsuit when, unless I'm mistaken Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are walking over to me. It is its them! Harry walks over with a wide smile playing on his face, both dimples on display. " Hi love, I seen you surfing when I was walking onto the beach. And basically I was wondering if you could try and teach us how to surf?" "Um of course. I just need two more bordes. I'll be right back." I run over to mum and tell her and grab two more bordes, on my way back over to the boys I see they took off their shirts. "Here you go Harry this bored will suit you just fine, and Louis this one is for you, it's perfect for your height." "Not trying to be rude love, but how do you know our names?" "Well you're both members of One Direction, and I'm a fan." "Owe. your a fan are you?" Louis asks looking over at Harry. "Yeah I love you guys." "Well Louis you know what that means!" All of a sudden they are both hugging me. "Guys I can't breath!" "Oh sorry love." Harry says and loosens his grip but dosent let me go completely. Louis let go of me and just stood there waiting as Harry still has me in his embrace.
________2 hours later_________

After the surfing lesson Harry gave me his number and told me to call him. Little did he know I'm going backstage at the concert tonight.
Mum and I left the beach and when shopping for the concert tonight. We found and mini ocean blue dress that fit me perfectly.

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