Prologue - Ariana

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With the burning flames blocking every exit and the smoke filling her lungs, she was sure that was the end. She couldn't save her parents, hell, she couldn't even save herself. Their small house was burning down, and she was most likely going to disappear along with it. Her strength was slowly fading, the petite body of the six year old lay on the wooden floor of her bedroom as her hands clutched one single object - A small heart shaped locket offered to her by her loving parents, with the picture of the three of them inside. Her half open eyes slowly closed, but not before she heard a faint voice which soon faded as darkness enclosed her.

"Hey! Can you hear me?? Kid, kid!"

The little girl's eyes burst open as she coughed violently, the fume she had inhaled causing pain flow her throat. It took the child a few moments, before she realized she was sitting on some stranger's lap. A young man with long hair tied in a low ponytail. He was very good-looking, even a six year old could appreciate that. However, it was his piercing blue eyes that really captured her attention, her big brown hues staring at the stranger and wondering why he was here, holding her right at the moment. It wasn't long before she realized she had been separated from her parents, and soon, tears started streaming down her slightly naturally pink cheeks, her cries loud and heard around the forest they seemed to be in. The young man (who seemed to be about eighteen years of age) soothed her, gently rubbing her back as she buried her face in his chest, knowing for a fact her parents wouldn't come back. 

After calming down, the man explained he had seen the fire when passing by and had heard the girl screaming for help, so decided to check out and help if so needed. The brunette nodded, understanding and looking down at her locket with a sad expression on her face. What was a six year old girl to do now? Where would she go when she had nobody else? She jumped slightly as a bird had flown through some trees, the rustling noise startling her. The man smiled softly, standing up and looking down at her, with a look as if an older brother looking down at his younger sister.

"We can rest with the rest of the troupe, then we can find who you can stay with, maybe grandparents or something." He said as he extended his hand, knowing the girl's parents wouldn't be an option since he had seen them...Their bodies...Completely burnt.

She took his hand, standing up and quickly shaking her head, "I....Don't have any more family...Mommy, daddy and I were alone.."

The boy was surprised to hear so, now pondering what would be the best solution then..He'd ask his grandmother what she thought, since she always knew everything anyway.

With a gentle smile he spoke, "Well then, you still need to eat and rest, so come, my grannie will make you something." It was as if his words lifted her spirits, and returning the smile, she nodded, "Okay!"

"By the way, what's your name, little one?"

As they walked hand in hand, the petite girl looked up with a small smile, "Ariana. Ariana Grande."


The brunette's eyes opened slowly. It was seven in the morning, she knew due to the fact that Evelyn was practicing with the diabolo, making a few groaning noises everytime she made even a tiny mistake. The older woman was a perfectionist, that was for sure. 

"Oh, morning sunshine." Eight year old Ariana looked up at James as he passed her bed inside the large automobile, smiling up at the young man who once saved her from being burnt to death. Memories from that day were flooding through her since she's been having the same dream non-stop. A dream of her past, one she'd like to forget.

"Morning, James. Did everyone have breakfast already? Evelyn is already practicing, does that mean I missed it??" It seemed to be a habit of hers, waking up late for the most important meal of the day. She was eight, though, give her a break.

He laughed lightly, patting her head which caused a small blush to rise in her cheeks. Since that day he had saved her, her heart had been stolen. Even though she had the body of a child, her brain was quite mature for her age, and she could somewhat distinguish between her feelings, and knew what she felt towards James was love. 

"Don't worry, breakfast is being served right now. So why don't you go change and join us when you're done?" At his suggestion, she nodded, and content with herself and having woken up on time, Ariana grabbed her clothes - a red shirt and white shorts - and changed the moment James went outside. Her hair was put in a high ponytail, and pleased with how she looked, the brunette went to join the rest of the troupe.

Ah, the troupe. Travelling street performers by the name of Rosa Troupe. You had your leader, Donald - He was a sword swallower. Quite a dangerous act, though incredibly riveting. Then there was James, he was the violinist of the group, each of his melodies composed by him. Ariana adored each second she listened to him play. Next was Evelyn - She was a master of the diabolo. It was astonishing the amount of tricks the fifteen year old could make, though she always seemed to be a little too hard on herself. Following her, was David. His act was juggling, and either it's balls, bottles, anything, he does it, and is quite the professional. Ariana heard he used to entertain the Queen, but something happened that nearly got him executed. She didn't know details, though, everytime she asks, he changes his story. Next, were the thirteen year old twins, Alejandro and Valentina. Their specialty is acrobatics, having been practicing since they were little they're basically masters of their act, definitely more than captivating. And finally, there's James' grannie, who makes the costumes, manages the money and so on. She's a very wise lady, as well as warm and extremely kind. Sometimes it feels as if she's actually Ariana's grandmother, and the child loves the elder as if just that.

The day James had introduced Ariana to the troupe, two years back, they had originally planned on trying to find maybe an orphanage where the child could stay at. James, however, along with his grandmother, weren't at all fond of the idea. Orphanages weren't exactly a place full of life where children grew happily. Most were dark and cold, with rigid rules and teachers who don't care about the children. So grannie Annie came up with the best solution - To let Ariana join the troupe and travel with them. They'd soon discover that the tiny female had a stunning voice, utilizing so as an addition to the current acts. Ariana didn't understand much of what was going on, but if it meant staying by James' side and doing the thing she loved most - singing - then she didn't need her brain to understand. 

To try out, the day after the first night she stayed with them, she was asked to sing in front of the public. Any song she liked. With a cheerful nod and her eyes full of joy, she took a deep breath before her lips began moving. The melody and lyrics the same her mother used to sing to her, a lullaby written by her father which she had memorized. And now, she was portraying it, overlooking the fact that people started gathering around with looks of pure curiosity on their faces, each pair of eyes fixated on her. She sang with her own brown hues gazing at the blue sky, images of her parents' smiling faces overlaying the blue and the sudden urge to see them once was evident in her song and how desperate she was singing it. A couple of people's eyes widened slightly as well as the troupe's, when a single tear sank to the ground. James had rushed towards her and picked her up, aware of why she had began crying, quickly bringing her inside the automobile with no inquires made. She simply kept crying after that, even after the unbidden hug on James' part, the tears kept flowing until she eventually fell asleep.

"I said -- You're up," Ariana's train of thought was interrupted by David's voice. He had finished his act, and it was her turn now.

"Oh, sorry, I spaced out." She said with giggle, adjusting her ponytail before deciding to keep her hair loose this time. Her brown hair had grown a great deal in two years, now down to a bit higher than the curve of her back. 

As Donald announced the final act, hers, she walked up receiving an applause from the audience. With a broad grin and her hands now locked over her chest, she awaited the melody to start, joining it with lyrics once it did. She had closed her eyes, not noticing the commotion a certain boy was causing, her mind completely focused on the current song. Everytime Ariana sang, it was for her parents. In her mind, they were watching her from heaven, which only made the eight year old even more committed and concentrated, and she hoped, wherever they were...They were proud of her.


A/N: Wooo, that was the end of the prologue, next chapter things will really start, yay !! Keep reading and give me your feedback, it'd be great, thanks :)

In Another Lifetime ~ HarianaWhere stories live. Discover now