One Month Later

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I felt like a time jump was needed. Some important things are coming up in the chapters ahead.... ☺️ -ChocolateLoves2


It's been a month since I had my surgery and I'm finally back at work. Ever since Joshua asked me to marry him I felt like a brand new person. I just felt lighter and happier and I found that I was smiling all the time. News of us getting married spread like wildfire.

I head down the hall to tell Ally I'm heading home. I've been here way longer than I've expected. It's 5 pm already.

"Hey Ally"

"Hey! I was looking for you, Brian needs you to run these over to the Hawthorne building. Hand them to him directly he should be there"

"I can't do it tomorrow?" I whined. I just want to go home. My feet hurt.

"I'm afraid not they've got to be processed by morning"

"Alrighty then. I'll see you tomorrow" I took them and made my way out.

It was an easy twenty minute drive and a rather difficult fifteen minutes trying to convince security that I'm not a corporate spy.

I finally got off the elevator and made my way to Mr. Hawthorne's office. I straighten my skirt out before I knock on the door.

"Come in" a voice boomed from behind it.

I walked inside and he looked up at me. "Ms. Matrix, I wasn't expecting you" he placed down the bottle of whiskey he had in his hands.

"I just have some papers here for you"

"Let me see them" he demanded. I walked toward his desk and handed them to him.

"Thank you" He then said.

"You're welcome" I turned to leave but he said something that caught my attention.

"I've heard that things have been hard for you recently with that woman in your home"

"It was so long ago since the whole thing with Leticia happened, I'm fine" Why is he even bringing that up? I asked myself.

"Sit down, Valentina" he smirked while rubbing the label of the wine bottle.

"Uh- No I'm alright" I backed toward the door.

"Come on, sit down it's not a bear trap just a chair" he twisted the cap tight on the bottle and waited for my response. "Do you want me to bounce this off your fucking head?!" He shouted seriously, holding the bottle up.

I jumped startled and scooted toward the door even more. "I'm joking" he cracked a sinister smile.

"Funny" I said sarcastically.

He stood up and slowly made his way over to me. "I'm sorry" He slurred his words. "Do you even know what's happening?"

"What do you mean?" I touched the knob of the door and he stopped coming toward me.

"Your little man friend, boyfriend, fiancé, whatever is running my business into the ground"

"I'm not so sure about that"

"You fucking know!" He yelled. "That little adopted piece of shit, is taking everything from me"

"It's just competition sir"

"You don't know the first thing about it!" He stared off into space.

His eyes were red like he'd been crying. He looks hopeless and dead. Like all he is is a skeleton standing there, looking for a glimmer of hope and realizing that there is none. "I've got to file for bankruptcy now"

"I'm sorry" I said. I don't know what to say. I don't completely understand what he's talking about and I just want to go home.

"He's taking everything from me" He said. "So I'm going to take something from him" he looked at me.

His eyes turned angry and he bolted toward me. I tried to open the door but he slammed it shut.

"Stop!" I screamed to the top of my lungs, hoping someone would hear me.

He dragged me away from the door and pinned me up against the wall.

"Stop!" I screamed again but he didn't listen and no one could hear me.

He pulled my shirt down and started kissing my neck. I struggled with all my might to push him off of me but he was just too strong. He grabbed my arm and squeezed it tight, to try to get me to stop fighting.

"Please" I begged. I felt tears blur my vision and started to fall down my face. I got tired of trying to overpower him.

He looked up at me and his anger slowly went away. He let go of my arm and backed away from me. Realizing what he had done. A look of horror and shock found a place on his face.

I stood there frozen not being able to move.

"Valentina..." he started. "I'm so sorry" he held his arms in a surrendering way. "Please understand, I'm not myself right now"

I let go a breath I didn't know I was holding and I felt my heart start to beat at it's regular pace.

I slowly nodded and wiped my face quickly, keeping my eyes on him.

"I'm gonna go" I said in a hoarse whisper.

I struggled to open the door I couldn't see, tears were starting to blur my vision again and it's slowing me down. I don't want it too, I just want to get out of here.

I finally opened the door and slammed it shut behind me before quickly making my way out of the building and into the safety of my car.

I don't want to think about this, I don't want to talk about this and I most definitely do not want to tell Joshua.


"Hey babe" I heard a voice come from behind me. I jumped and fell into the clothes in my closet. "Are you okay" Joshua asked while helping me up.

"Yea" I chuckled nervously. "I just wasn't ready for that"

"All I said was hey, why are you so jumpy?" He asked seriously.

"I'm not jumpy"

"Did something happen?"

"No nothing happened. Why do you always think something happened?"

"Because you're rambling"

I have him my best fake smile. "Gotcha!" I fake laughed.


"I just wanted you to think something was wrong when really, there isn't" I laughed even harder and slapped my knee. "And fell for it you big dummy"

He gave me a suspicious smile and turned to walk out. "Okay" He said unsure.

That was close.

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