Part 5

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The movie lasted for quite a while, and before the first hour of the movie was over, Ethan fell asleep. -Should we prank him or something? You said looking up at Gray.
-Maybe if he still sleeps when the movie is over, he said, smirking. -I don't want to ruin what's happening now, he said looking deep into your eyes. It wasn't before now you finally admitted to yourself that you were crazy in love with Grayson. You grabbed his hand tighter and rested your head on his masculine chest again. This is what I want to do for the rest of my life, you thought while Gray took his other arm and wrapped it around your waist.

After the movie
-So, did you get scared beautiful? Gray asked
-Well, not as scared as him, you said sarcastically while pointing at Ethan.
-Maybe we should just let him sleep, you suggested. -I mean, doesn't he deserve it?
-I guess so, Grayson said while lifting a sleepy Ethan back to his bedroom.
-So, what now? You asked as Gray came back from Eth's bedroom.
-I guess we'll just go bed, he replied
-should I just sleep in the sofa? You asked.
-of course not, he said coming up behind you.
-you need to be protected, he whisperer in your ear while wrapping his big arms around you waist.
-Okay, you said turning around. -protected from what? You where smirking -All the bad demons from the movie, he said and you both started laughing. -ahah, there is an extra bed in my bedroom, you can sleep there if you don't mind, he said in a husky voice. -Okay, you replied holding around his neck.

You both went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You entered Gray's room and it was freezing. You didn't have the guts to tell him tho, so you just laid down in the extra bed waiting for Gray to enter the room from the bathroom. As he laid down in in his bed you starting to chop your teeth. It was so cold you couldn't help it
-Y/n? He eventually says
-Yes? You reply trying to sound okay -what is it?
-is something wrong? You sound wired..
-I'm just freezing, you answer
The moment you said those words you could hear him getting up of bed and jumping into yours. His bare chest to yours make you warm by milliseconds. He wraps his arms around you. And then it happened. He kisses you on the forehead. -goodnight Babygirl, he whispers
-goodnight Gray, you whisper back, happier than you've ever been before.
To be continued...

Thank yo so much for reading part 5 of "the guy next door"💛 it truly means a lot to me! Sorry if this part got a little long, ahah...💛

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