Chapter 2 - War is here and its not going to end very soon

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Dear mommy
I miss you even more now father wants to go to war so he is sending me lily and Anna with a lady we hardly know!.
Amelia wakes up
Oh its a nice sunny day today Amelia says while yawning and walking over to the window but its not going to be a very nice sunny day the war is starting so me lily and anna will have to leave with that lady that we hardly know Amelia thinks to herself well i better go and change and get a bath it might be my last lush bath for a while Amelia thinks sighing to herself...
In the other room
Sounds like Amelias awake she's taking a bath already Anna says well well its not the first she's woke up early and claimed the bath lily says rolling her eyes oh well lily she deserves it she hardly got sleep last night rolling around and talking to herself poor little chicken she needs her mother back she is only young Anna says sadly well..well mothers gone now so don't go blaming it on that she is a spoilt brat thats what she is i tell you says lily meanly Lily Fisher i do not approve of your nonsense these days you seem to angry why is that lily? Says Anna patiently , you very well know Anna its that brat she hogged our mother right until she was gone now she cries about it all the time when the only reason she hogged her was to make us jealous that she was younger and cuter Lily mutters to herself angrily, what was that lily I can't hear for your mumbling Anna questions Ugh never mind you old hag lily says rolling her eyes , um excuse me madam i am only 3 years older than you so don't go calling me an old hag or i will have nanny Jen at you , you hear me ? Anna says in patiently.
Back down stairs
Excuse me sir are your children ready? Ann questions i do have many children to get from their homes to get them to safety..and.. Ann says patiently They will be ready soon enough says David he was sitting down by the fire reading his newspaper like he always did but when mother was there she would sing to us from the kitchen and we would dance around the living room like little chickens .
To be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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