Chef's Parade

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Alec was waiting on the street. A couple people already went inside the building. Of course they are going to be late. Suddenly he heard high heels against the sidewalk.

"Finally." He said and rolled his eyes. "Alec, I still feel offended by this present from you." Izzy said when he pressed a kiss on her cheek.

They met in front of the building where the cooking course took place. Chef's Parade Cooking School the sign said on the side of the building.

A ten-week cooking course. Ten weeks. Every Monday from 5 pm to 9 pm. Alec did a sum in his head. Forty hours. If Izzy wasn't going to learn to cook by the end of the course then there was no point of living, Alec thought. It was a present from Alec to Izzy for her birthday.

"If you do this I will buy you those shoes, I told you." Alec said and opened the door for her.

"I can cook." Izzy retorted and Alec rolled his eyes.

"You can improve yourself. And it will be fun, I guess." They followed the signs in the hallway, which led to a dressing room.

"I can' believe that Alec Lightwood just said 'fun'." Izzy teased when they entered the room. There were a couple of people already there with their aprons on. They greeted the others and Izzy picked up two aprons while Alec put their jackets on the hanger.

"Purple? Really?" He raised his eyebrows.

"My gift, I choose." She said. Alec looked around. There was a pair in blue aprons, another in orange, one in yellow, one in red and the last ones in green. Not in this order but Alec noticed the colors of the rainbow and put on his purple apron grinning. The door opened at the other side of the room and a girl stepped in.

"Welcome everybody at the Chef's Parade Cooking School! I'm Maia. I see you already put on your aprons. Great! You can go inside and search for your counters. Same counter color as your aprons. Easy. The chef will be there soon." She said and waved them inside.

Alec and Izzy were the last ones who entered the studio. It was a modern cooking studio set up for twelve people. The main counter was at the end of the space with three-three counters to its right and left along the room. The purple counter was the first one in front of the chef's. Alec realized that they were going to be right in the chef's immediate line of sight so he swallowed not a small amount of apprehension.

"Maybe you are right, it's already fun!" Izzy said.

"It haven't even started yet." Alec said but saw Izzy looking at the guy at the counter behind them. "I can't believe you are flirting here." Alec rolled his eyes. "He is with a girl, probably his girlfriend." Alec leant closer and whispered.

"I came with my brother. They can be siblings too." Izzy whispered right back.

Alec couldn't answer because the door opened behind the main counter. His jaw fell when the chef entered the room. He was an Indonesian man. He was wearing makeup, his hair was spiked up with blue streaks in it. He walked up to the counter but when Alec saw his outfit and he had to look away. The man was wearing a chef uniform, but it wasn't a basic one. It consisted of a red shirt with dark blue, sinfully tight pants. Alec looked back. He saw the man had already grabbed the apron from the main counter and put it on. He started choking when he saw the caption on it: 'Mr. Good Looking is Cooking.' 'Is this a joke?' he thought.

"Are you okay?" Izzy asked, Alec barely heard what she was saying.

"Yeah. Just something at my throat." He replied and waved her away.

"He is hot, isn't he?" Izzy brushed her shoulder to Alec's.

"Shut up!" Alec shot back with any expressions.

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