Revealing myself

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"Don't worry you look fine ! Now go get what's yours !" Miri said as she rushed me out of her house and into my car.

"Good luck !" She blew me a kiss as I gave her a smile and drove off with a heavy heart.

Today's the day that I show Asher who I really am. I hope he doesn't take it personally and see it was my way to get close to him .

Please Asher don't hate me more than you do. Asher hasn't rougher more than anyone knows. There's things he only told belle. And belle is me, and Asher hates me.

I should turn around.

But leave him hanging ?

No Clare it's time to woman up, you can't hide behind a phone, he rejects you? All you gotta do is move country's.

I parked my car, before taking my phone out and checking the time

which part are you at?

Asher: the empty part at the end

I blew out a breath and headed my way there.

Once I was there I saw a shadow and stopped, do I really want to do this?

Just do it

I walked closer but he was turned around and couldn't see me. He was wearing a hoodie and jeans, I can't even see his face and I know he looks good.

I'm guessing he heard my footsteps and turned around.

I stopped in my tracks as he looked at me, he showed no emotion before he got closer.

He grabbed me by my waist harshly bringing me to him as I gulped "Asher ?"

"Shut up!" He hissed

"You know how much I hate being lied to 'belle'  " he spit out and I gulped.

"Let me explain!" I told him getting out of his grip but he shook his head.

"Was this a game ? You knew I didn't open up to people in real like so you made me do it over a screen? Just like you ruined my life I'll ruin yours !"

"What no Asher that isn't what I intended on happening please just let me explain ! You know I had a crush on you ! And I just I know it's stupid of me but ..." I was cut off with Blake smacking a egg on my head.

My mouth flew open as I looked up at his smirking face

"It's a good thing I already knew it was you otherwise I wouldn't have been able to plan this . Suddenly half the school came out circling us with buckets of eggs in there hands.

Asher snapped his fingers as they all threw eggs at me while screaming hurtful words as i looked down, tears streaming down my face.

"Crazy bitch!"



They all chanted at me throwing other stuff but something heavy got me on my knees as I looked at Asher who still held no emotion.

"How long did you know?" I sobbed and he shrugged

"Can you please just let me explain !" I shouted over there cruel words.

He knelt on one knee so he can get eye level "oh sweet little Clare I think I know enough and told enough and I have all evidence on this phone " he said smirking and I shook my head

"Please ash please don't do this to me I cried harder taking his hand " but he pushed me away harshly

"Don't call me that!" He shouted before walking away leaving me with a mob.

I watched as he took bres hand and left . What kind of sister !

Although I was getting ambushed with eggs and tomatoes whatever the hell was filled with balloons , I couldn't seem to make myself care about it. The only thing that was on my mind was Asher .

I hurt him . I know I did. He told me things he trusted me and I lied to him. I know him well enough to know his hidden emotions

I laughed bitterly

I am a stalker

Once I realized the harassment stopped, I got up wiping my tears. I can't give myself self pity, I did this to myself ! I lied and I hurt him. I sent the first message without thinking I can't blame anyone but me.

I checked my phone to see the time 10:01

I walked with my head down low as people looked at me strangely.

But it wasn't over yet, I looked at my car to see that they've sprayed it with bad words


The tires were slashed also. I put a hand over my mouth as hot tears burned my cheek

I called Miri but she wouldn't pick up and my parents still are probably at work.

I sniffle as I started to walk to the nearest bus stop

"What do you mean I can't get on ?" I sniffled and bus driver shook his head.

"You too dirty and smelly !" He said in a accent and I nodded understanding

I wouldn't let me go on either.

I walked away and started my journey home which only took 3 hours, enough time for me to soak in my misery.

When I got to my house door it bursted open hitting me in the face causing to fall back as I held my nose as blood came rushing out.

Asher looked shock to say the least, bet he wasn't expecting me to be out here. 

But I wasn't expecting him to be in there.

He suddenly knelt down before putting a strand over my ear before wrinkled his nose as eggs got on his hand.

"I guess it's ok if it's broken " he said gesturing to my nose

"You can just have another nose job " he whispered and I gulped.

There's secret number one.

"Asher please !" I got up still holding my nose my blood going everywhere as I got a little light headed stepping back almost falling off the step but Asher steadied me concern flashing through his eyes.

He snapped out of his daze moving away harshly.

"You deserve everything that's coming too you" and with that he left me alone.

I walked in hearing Bre snicker.

Running upstairs to my room I quickly slammed the door as I cried. Why am I such a idiot !

I took my phone trying to call miri but she wasn't answering probably asleep.

I got up walking to my bathroom turning on the shower walking in with my clothes on needing to wash them off also.

My nose stopped bleeding and I'm thankful it's not broken.

Am I handling this situation well? I mean my whole life is practically over.

I took off my clothes and took a proper shower changing into a oversized shirt and shorts.

I slumped on my bed and stared at the ceiling

It could've been worse

I knew this was a bad idea from the start, I wonder what school would be like tomorrow.

Fuck it I'm not going.

So that's the plan to hide ?

Sounds good to me , my subconscious has always been my best friend.

I fell asleep and hoped I'd stay asleep

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