Little Love, Thousand Thoughts

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The fact that I was woken from such a serene sleep did not make me a joyful person, but to see my sweet, little chocolate fur ball teething on my finger made my mind forget that I was enjoying my slumber of nothing. The morning sunlight was trickling in like when you’re under the ocean and you look up to see the sun dancing around on your skin. You never want to leave that aquatic wonderland but the beauty would kill you, so just like you having to get up out of the water and escape the beauty of sunlight dancing, I had to drag myself out of my bed and leave the beauty that is my bed and mentally prepare myself for this beautiful hell called life that I’m in love with.

            As I walked downstairs my ears were infected by the contagious laughter that was produced by my best friend, Ashley. No, we did not have this amazing friendship where we were neighbors and had been best friends since our crawling times; I had that, so did she. We had been mutual friends throughout middle school; both of us had our separate lives with our separate friends at the time. We said hello in the halls passing each other, we conversed with others in a large crowd in the morning before the bell rang. Though, that was middle school and what comes after prison? Hell. Politically called high school, but when you have adults, given the title teachers, which read from a book, don’t know how to answer thought provoking questions, as well as a time where people never discover who they really are, just who they’ve been sculpted to be as a result of fake friends, you might as well plaster H-E-L-L on the front of the building.

Ashley and I saw our friendship blossomed when both our childhood friends turned promiscuous. We quietly saw each other’s betrayal in class and slowly started talking more. First was simple small talk.

“Hey, Ashley, what was due Algebra today?”

“Just 3.6 homework.”

I would then finish it in the library during lunch and find her rushing in and sitting across from me to finish the 3.6 homework. We’d give each other a sympathetic smile and continue on with our work. Then, came us complaining about all of our teachers, then classmates, finding out we liked similar music and when you like similar music, there is no destroying that friendship. Soon, we’d stand together in the mornings and talk like old friends. When my birthday came around she took me out to dinner and gave me a top and leather jacket. I’d comfort her when her boyfriend of 18 months broke up with her over text explaining he is losing feelings. For me to only find out less than a week later he had hooked up with an eighth grade slut. She’d let me come over to her house at one in the morning because I couldn’t handle my parents and sister fighting over thanksgiving break. When Christmas came we exchanged our gifts with each at my family’s annual jubilee. Then, less than two weeks later, I gave her a 15th birthday present consisting of cookies, and elephant phone case and a Forever 21 gift card. By now, it was pretty obvious that we were inseparable and your normal teenage friends. Sure, we were different beyond belief, like and angel and Satan. Ashley believed that God put us in certain situations that we needed each other, I guess I had to agree with her. I always knew God worked in mysterious way.

“Good morning Auden!” my mother was always a morning person, probably because she was an artist. Not saying that all artists are morning birds because my sister, Devi, most certainly isn’t. What I mean by that is she’s just crazy and does ridiculous things. How do you not love her?

“Hi,” I had my monotone, Morgan Freeman voice greeting my mom and best friend.

“Well, isn’t someone happy to be alive,” Ashley let out a chuckle and made her way over to our fridge. Anything of ours was hers and anything of hers was mine, simple and efficient.

“Only because we have yet to get Stetson a bone for his teething and he has begun to think that my finger is a chew toy!” my mom laughed as she picked up our chocolate lab and fed him some apples and peanut butter. I can’t remember the last time we fed that dog actual puppy chow. We have a huge bag sitting in the laundry, we even have dog dishes out for him but we treat him like our little baby, feeding him whatever we are eating as we eat it too, we also never put him on a leash because my mom said that he is an animal, but an animal with a soul that should never be held back from freedom. My whole family never believed in keeping people from freedom. She said it’s that amazing feeling you get when you’re driving down the highway with no particular destination in mind and no worries about anything. My dad would always chime in and say that it’s an even better feeling when you have the one you love right next to you, and then he would hug my mom and kiss her forehead. My parents were my favorite couple, mostly because, never in a million lifetimes would you think that my dad, a sophisticated, suave, Harvard educated business man would fall head over heels for a woman that always had her hair in a loose French braid, had Ludacris dreams and fantasies and never even applied to a college, but still knew that she was going to get through in life happy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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