[ sehun ]

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The soft pitter patters of raindrops hitting glass was the only sound that could be heard in the nearly abandoned airport, unless one would count the small clicks of a mobile cellphone that lit up a darkened corner, as well as the small clacks of platform heals that belonged to a worker.

"I got in contact with the pilot," She said, once she came in contact with the lone boy. "The estimated time is around three am." Her eyes held a sorrowful gaze towards the boy, for he had arrived far earlier than most would have, yet he had to continue to wait for a plane that seemed that it would never come. "For now," She paused, motioning to something behind her. "I thought that you would need some company." She turned on her heel just as the something - more like someone - approached the tired boy.

"You're going back to Seoul too?" The boy asked, eyes full of hope. He had arrived late to the airport to find that the plane had not returned from the last destination that it had flown too. 

"I guess so," The dark haired boy mumbled. He was far too tired to keep up a conversation with someone that had no idea what too talk about, as well as with someone that was far too energetic at such an early time. "Please don't talk." He looked up from his cellphone, he's holding a pleading gaze when they locked onto those of the [blonde, brunette, etc.] boy.

"Don't worry, I know how tired you must be." The boy waved his hand, as if deflecting the other's words. "I'm not in the mood to talk anyway." He shuffled over to the boy and sat next to him. He too was rather tired, but he was far too tired to even act like he was, which caused an abnormally energetic aura to surround him.

"Thank you," The dark haired boy murmured. He could feel his eyes droop ever so slowly as time elapsed. He opened them occasionally, just to check the time, yet it felt more like he wanted to get a glimpse of the other boy. There was something about the other's energetic attitude and addictive scent that made him even more perfect in the boy's eyes.

"If you're tired, then take a nap. I'll wake you up when the plane arrives." 

Sehun’s eyes shot open once he heard the [blonde, brunette, etc]'s words. "I can't take a nap here!" He whisper shouted. The floor where he was sitting was already dirty as is, and if he were to take a nap, well then more than the backside of his jeans would be dirty.

"I didn't mean lie down and take a nap on the ground, sort of thing." The [blonde, brunette, etc.] giggled at the other boy's misinterpretation of his words. "I meant that you could at least lean against my shoulder and take a nap." His aura grew shy at his words, and his cheeks turned bright red. "I mean, you could lean against the wall, you don't have to lean against-" He stopped, not wanting to continue his rambles any longer.

Both boys sat in the silence that blanketed itself around them once again. Their cheeks were bright red from the embarrassment that they had faced due to their own words. They felt dumb to take light words so heavily, especially since they overthought everything that popped out of the [blonde, brunette, etc.]'s mouth.

Before the quiet could be broken from the fidgety [blonde, brunette, etc.] boy, Sehun leaned against his shoulder. He had been feeling tired since he had woken up, so he would take any invitation to get even the smallest amount of sleep. Aside from him needing sleep, he wanted to get even closer to the other boy. 

The silence was more comforting for the two as the time passed by. They both shut their eyes, breaths softening as they were lured into sleep. They both felt comfortable in the company of the other, which was a first to them, mostly because they both were complete strangers.

Forty minutes had passed since the two had fallen asleep, and in that time, the plane had arrived, a small group had walked passed the two, some fangirls of the idol had even stopped to take a picture of the two, voices screeching at the possibility that they were together.

Both boys were soon awoken by the soft shaking from the worker that had introduced the two before. "I get that you two are comfortable, but it's time for you both to skedaddle on out of here." She motioned for the two to get up, a small smile adorning her features as she did so. She found it cute that two people could get so close in such a short time, to the point that they could be seen as something more than just strangers.

"I'm so happy to finally be going back," [your name] mumbled. After a long vacation, he felt that it was finally time to go back home so he could be with the rest of his envious friends.

"Same here. It's so tiring to constantly run about in a place that I haven't really been too all that much."

Both boys laughed at the taller's words before giving the other a small smile, and rushing to the plane. They both knew that such a meeting was too perfect to happen again, so it would just linger on in their thoughts, their love for the other to firmly remain in the small memory. ​​​​​

ー upon receiving many requests to add something more, i decided to add a little oneshot with oh sehun.

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