first date (it)

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- plans a simple day out on the town
- takes you to the local park to swing on the swings
- you guys talk about life and your goals and aspirations
- he then lets you pick where you wanna go for lunch
- finn walks you home and holds your hand the entire way there
- he keeps checking his phone for a text from you about your second date :)

- goes over the fucken top
- gets a reservation at the fancy schmancy-est place in your hometown
- it falls through :(
- you then order a pizza and wings and just watch movies at your house
- wyatt chooses a movie he wants you to watch and you choose a movie you want him to watch
- when you walk him out of your house, you give him a goodnight kiss on his cheek

- such a gentleman omfg
- holds doors open and pulls out chairs for you
- tries to pay for everything, but you guys split your check from dinner
- drives you home
- doesn't drive away until he sees that you're safe inside your house
- once he gets far enough away, he yells "YESS!"

- y'all scheduled a movie day at his house
- you watch one movie from multiple genres (drama, comedy, sci-fi, action)
- you were going to walk home but it's dark outside when you're done
- your mom picks you up
- when you get in the car, your mom goes "huh, that boy seems really nice!" (in that mom tone you know what i'm talking about)
- you answer with that dopey "yeahhhh"

- a walk around the mall is what y'all do
- you go into the disney store and get something for a younger family member of yours (or yourself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
- the cashier lady goes "awww you two are a nice couple"
- cue the awkward "OH NO we're not a couple you're mistaken!" rambling from the both of you
- she's like "mhmmm sure"
- you both go home contemplating starting an official relationship

- he's such a big ball of energy so you'll probably go to a trampoline park or something like that
- he'll make that "tramampoline! trambopoline!" joke (it's from the simpsons btw)
- you'll laugh at each other trying to do cartwheels and backflips
- afterwards you walk around town
- you go to a waffle house (!!!) and try to eat as many waffles as possible
- the waitress is scared

- you go to the movies and see like 3 in a row
- afterwards you give each one a rotten tomatoes score and discuss it
- since you ate all that popcorn and candy, you practically pass out when you get home
- she facetimes you immediately and you guys talk for hours until you fall asleep
- she doesn't end the call however
- she whispers a goodnight and falls asleep right after you

my family likes to give rotten tomatoes scores to movies after we see them then compare it to the actual score rotten tomatoes gave it. it's a cute little thing i thought i'd include. comment some more ideas for preferences! love ya💕

your friend,

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