Chapter 4

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It's the first day of the academy and I'm in the class, 10 minutes early, like I always am.

There is very few people in the class but I can here a bunch of parents saying goodbye to there children in front of the school.

Soon there would be a lot of people in the class room and I wish I didn't have to be here.

A rush of children neared the door and entered into the classroom. The classroom went from quite to loud in seconds.

I pull out my book from my Kunai pouch, hopping to block out all the loud talking.

I tried to read but the annoying people where so loud.

I sensed someone coming towards me, "Hey, can me and my friend sit here? What a drag."

I looked up to the person seeing, a Nara and a Akamichi next to him, "I don't mind, Nara-san, Akamichi-san."

They slipped into the seat next to me, the Nara in the middle and the Akamichi the farthest from me.

"You don't have to be so formal with us," the Akamichi said, "Call me Choji and my friend is Shikamaru."

"Okay, Choji-san, Shikamaru-san."

I continued to read my book until the class began. When our teacher entered the room, he introduces him self as Iruka. He started on a history lesson but I already new most of it.

Next class was math, than lunch, than tyjutsu, than interductery Kunai safety and lastly flower picking.

It was the end of the day and I just got out of flower picking.

I know Aunt and Unlce aren't going to pick me up because they are at work. I dicide to walk the shops and say hi to my Aunt and head over too my Uncles weapon shop.

I walk into the door and a bell jingles off the door, "Uncle? I'm off from school."

Uncle comes from the back, "Hey, Sakura. How was your day?"

"Boring," I pull out my book and hopped onto the counter.

He chuckles, "Itachi-san is coming in today with his little brother to get some custome Kunais."

This grabs my interest but I try not to show it, "Okay."


I sit reading my book, waiting for Itachi to get here. I just saw him yesterday but it feels like forever!

A fimilier chakra enters onto the block and my excitement increases but I keep a indifferent look in my face.

"Your face is funny when you try to not show your excitement, Sakura," my uncle chuckles.

I get embarrassed but still try to keep the indifferent face, "Uncle! Your mean!"

He laughs and continues on doing his work.

Itachi walks through the door with a excited little Sasuke next to him.

I look up from my book and smile, "Itachi-kun! You finally got here!"

Itachi chuckles and smiles, "Hello, Sakura-chan."

Sasuke grumbles in disapproval and crosses his arms, "Nii-san! Come on!"

Uncle walks out from behind the counter, "Hello little Sasuke. Your here to get some costume Kunai, right?"

Sasuke smiles smugly, "Yup!"

Uncle chuckles, "Sakura, please help me."

"Okay," I put down my book, jump off the counter and walk towards Sasuke. "Give me your hand."

Sasuke looks at me confused but does so.

"Sasuke is just now learning how to throw Kunai knives, right?"


"He should have it slightly smaller than the traditional 20 to 30 centimeters Kunai. So, around 15 centimeters would do fine. It should be a little light weight because of his small hands and having more arm strength than hand strength and it should also be a little skinnier and have a good gripe."

"Good job Sakura, you are getting better," my Uncle praised and smiled, "We will have a dozen ready next week."

"Thank you, Sakura, Kisashi-san," Itachi than leaves and walks out the door.

Sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to update but I don't know what to do from here. Thank you for reading!

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