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As I took my seat in Biology class after espcaping from the crazy fans, I looked up at the clock. I was 2 minutes early. I heaved a sigh but became nervous again when Sehun took a seat beside me.

My heart was pumping repeatedly and my face turned red as a tomato. Aish this Sehun! Why does he always make me feel like that? I messed my hair.

" Good morning class " Miss Hwang said, as she entered the classroom. All of us stood up and bowed at the Miss Hwang.

" Today I will be going through some important stuff you need to..... "

Little by little,  Miss Hwang's voice was drifting away and away from me. All I can think of now is that Sehun oppa bumped into me in the middle of the hallway! Gosh, Seolmi, you're so lucky! Sehun oppa looked like an angel up close.. kya~

" Seolmi? "

" Im Seolmi? "


I jumped out from the chair, startled. All eyes went looking at me as I saw Miss Hwang tapping her foot.

"Come on, I'm waiting " Miss Hwang raised her eyebrow.

What does she want? I stared blankly at her and looked at Sehun. Sehun mouthed the words " Explain the meaning of osmosis. "

I cleared my throat.

" Um... Osmosis is the net movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, through a partially semi - permeable membrane.  "

" Good. I see that you are listening. " Miss Hwang nodded her head, continues to teach while I continued to daydream.

/ After Biology Class /

" How was you class Seolmi? " Eunhye asked.

" It was .... fine , I guess " I answered, laughing softly.

" Good to hear then! Lets go grab some food at the cafeteria! " Eunhye, said, dragging me to the cafeteria. We ordered some food and walked to an empty table.

Yes, I'm a wolf. 그래 저는 늑대.Where stories live. Discover now