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They burst into the rooms to see Lestrade is sitting in Sherlock's chair, examining the pink case. The flat was full of policemen searching the flat - a proper full-on search, rubber gloves, crime scene gear.

"What are you doing??" Sherlock demanded.

"Well I knew you'd find the case, I'm not stupid." Lestrade scoffed, looking at Sherlock.

"You can't just break into my flat!"

"You can't withhold evidence, and I didn't break into your flat."

"Well what do you call this??"

"A drugs bust." Lestrade didn't sound proud to be doing this, but he knew it would get quick results.

Melody looked up at Sherlock, who had paled significantly. This was not good.

John began laughing, not realizing how serious the situation was. "Oh, come on, seriously? This guy, a junkie? Have you met him??"

"John ..." Mel warned quietly.

"Pretty sure, you could search this flat all day, you wouldn't find anything you could call recreational – "

"John, you probably want to shut up now..." the Consulting Detective snapped.

"Yeah, but come on – "He looked at Sherlock and Mel- who both had a warning look on their faces. Sherlock gave a tiny shake of his head. "No!" John gasped.

"What?" Sherlock questioned.


Sherlock looked almost affronted. "Shut up!" He turned on his heel to face Lestrade. "I'm not your sniffer dog."

"No! Anderson's my sniffer dog." Greg smirked. Sherlock spun to face the kitchen. To his dismay, Anderson leaned into view, and gave Sherlock a little wave.

"What's he doing here? On a drugs bust?" Sherlock sneered.

"I volunteered." Anderson said smugly.

"They all did. They're not strictly speaking on the drugs squad, but they're very keen. " Lestrade explained.

Sally Donovan turned and walked into view, holding a beaker. "Are these human eyes?"

Melody nearly snapped seeing the woman in the flat. "Put them back."

"They were in the microwave."

"It's an experiment." Sherlock sighed.

Lestrade called out, causing everyone to resume their search. "Keep looking, guys." He looked to Sherlock. "Or you could start helping me properly, and I'll stand them down."

"This is childish."

"I'm dealing with a child. Sherlock, this is our case! I'm letting you in, but you don't go off on your own - clear?"

"What, so you set up a pretend drugs bust, to bully me?"

"Stops being pretend if they find anything."

"Sherlock, please." Melody said, quietly as she looked up at him" Just tell them what you know." She didn't want to see him go to jail just because he was too stubborn to cooperate. He looked down at her and frowned slightly.

"I'm clean." He assured both his friend and the Detective Inspector.

"Is your flat? All of it?" Greg pressed.

"I don't even smoke!" He argued, pulling up his sleeve, showing his patches.

Lestrade did the same to reveal that he also wore a patch. "Neither do I! So let's work together. We've found Rachel."

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