Min Yoongi: (Never Wake Yoon Gi Up)

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(Y/N) P.O.V

Taehyung brought me to a studio with the name Genius Lab plastered on to the glass door. Taehyung still leading slowly opened the door and poked his head in to see what Yoon Gi was doing. Me not being a patient bean escaped Taehyungs grasp and flung the door open. It hitting the wall with a bang startling Taehyung, but Yoon Gi just grunted and rolled over.

"Shh! Snowflake don't wake Yoon Gi-Hyung up or we will both be dead."

Taehyung whisper-shouts at me. I just giggle,

"Sugaie-Hyung would never harm me! He loves me!"

I shout on purpose trying to wake Yoon Gi up.

"Pleaseeee! Don't wake him up he's always a cranky grandpa when we do!"

Taehyung still whispers reaching for me again. I avoid his slender fingers and skip over to the futon that Yoon Gi is resting on and poke his cheek. I squeal,

"His face is softer than Ggukies! How have I never known!"

I say excited proceeding to touch Yoon Gi's face. Taehyung just stands in the doorway face pale, shock written on it. I slowly raise my hand to Yoon Gi's hair when-,

"(Y/n-ah) don't. You. Dare."

Taehyung hiss's out taking a step towards me. Ignoring him I place my dainty fingers in Yoon Gi's hair. It was so soft and my hand combed through it without getting snagged once. I kept doing it seeing how Yoon Gi's face relaxed and leaned towards my hand. Almost like a lazy cat that wants to be pet behind the ears. I smile and keep carding my hands through. When I'm about to do it again Taehyung grabs my wrist.

"Snowflake please stop before you wa-"

But before Taehyung could even finish his sentence Yoon Gi was sitting up with a groan leaving his lips,

"Who just woke me up and interepted my sleep...?"

Yoon Gi growls out. I and Taehyung share a look before Taehyung releases my hand and books it out of the studio. Leaving me to deal with Yoon Gi by myself,

"Ya, you traitor!"

I yell out as Taehyung turns left back towards the dance room. Yoon Gi grabs my forearm and turns me to look at him,

"Ya, Kumo(Japanese for cloud) did you wake me up?"

Yoon Gi asks his tone not as harsh as before. I fidget with my hands,

"Maybe... But I was just combing your hair! I swear!"

I rushed out not looking up once. Slightly lying seeing as I had touched his face for a while also. But Shh that's not important. He doesn't know and I don't think I really needs to anyway... Hehe.

"You were the one doing that? I thought I was dreaming or something. So, why did you stop then?"

Yoon Gi asked looking at me.

"Taehyung made me afraid you would wake up and kill us or something dumb like that..."

I mumble out.

"Aish that troublesome kid. That was the most relaxed I've been all week."

Yoon Gi huffs out.


I whisper feeling guilty. Maybe Taehyung was right I shouldn't have woken him up after all. Now I feel horrible.

"Why are you sorry? It was Taehyung's fault I'm awake right not you, but you will still get punished for aiding in the waking. If you hadn't gotten me so relaxed and then Taehyung stopped you I'd probably still be sleeping."

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