Dragon Ramble

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     Dragon who is my main character is.. unstable. Though he is unstable in a few ways. some of this may sound edgy and stuff but eh. I guess I like edge. But Dragon is by far the character I've thought about the most. Mainly his story and what he is. And sometimes about how him and his siblings are just so different. Now how we get to him and why he's unstable. 

     Dragon out of his siblings is the strongest physically and in smarts. But mentally he is the weakest. He was really close to his mother who past away. This broke him. It even led to his anxiety getting bad. He had trouble sleeping, and always worried about thing. The sleeping thing just get worse as he grows up. Though him worrying get slightly better. He doesn't worry about everything like he used to, but he does worry about a lot. Mainly big things like if his family were to be in trouble. I'm pretty sure everyone would worry about that though. 

     He always has dreams. Nightmares. Of him loosing the rest of the people he loves. Them either being taken away or being killed. That's his worse feeling. Probably cuz if he looses them then he will one, Want to die (actually would die-), or two, he goes insane. Which i don't think anyone wants. Except for the Anti Drinty Squad (a bunch of my girlfriends oc's who want to kill Dragon and his wife Minty (who is also my girlfriends oc))

I would talk more about this character of mine but i still need to figure things out about him. i will most likely make more parts to Dragon but idk. Well i hoped you liked reading about my crappy Oc!

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