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"Oh no, Adrien has been kidnapped!? I hope he's okay," Alya texted back when Marinette texted her the news.

"Yeah, we need to look for him!"

"I don't know if that's the best idea to go alone, its really late anyway. We should let the authorities, Ladybug, and Chat Noir look for him now, and if we have an opportunity later, we should take it, okay Marinette?"

"I guess your right Alya, it could be too dangerous for us to go know. I'll see you in school tomorrow," Marinette texted back even though she was going to go look for Adrien anyway.

"Okay, see ya girl. Goodnight."

Marinette got ready to go out and search.

"Tikki, Spots On!"

Ladybug swang off her balcony to start searching for Adrien.

A giant search party was gathering. Ladybug joined.

"Where is Chat Noir, Ladybug?" the leader of the search party asked.

"I'm not sure, I haven't seen him for a while."

"Well, we have to start now," he said.

"Well, he could just be late, or already searching. He'll just join us later I guess. Lets start," Ladybug said.

The search party started searching. Ladybug swung around and looking in every alleyway or shady building. 

Where are you Chat Noir, we need your help! Ladybug thought.

Ladybug tried calling him, but there was no answer.

Switch to Adrien

Adrien was still in a lot of pain (well, he got shot). It has been three days already. Adrien was not given any food yet, but he was given some water. Plagg now took off the ropes because the wound had stopped bleeding as much. 

"Plagg, I think I want to try and get out of here now," Adrien said to Plagg.

"You sure, you still don't look that good."

"I know, but I'm not getting any better in these conditions."

"Well, maybe just wait another day. You can transform into Chat Noir and try to call Ladybug and tell her where you are," Plagg said.

"That's a great idea Plagg. Why didn't I think of that before?"

"I just thought of it now too."

"Okay, Plagg, Claws Out," Adrien said not that excitedly because he didn't have much energy.

Adrien transformed into Chat Noir. He called Ladybug.

Please pick up! Adrien thought.

"Hello?" Ladybug said.

"Yes, hi Ladybug," Chat Noir said softly.

"Chat Noir! Where are you? We need your help looking for Adrien Agreste! He's been kidnapped!"

"I know."

"Hey, are you okay? You don't sound very good."

"Yeah, I've been kidnapped too. I've also been shot and I'm not in a very good position."

"What you have!?" Where are you?" Ladybug asked.

"I'm not sure, but you can track me with that app. Please come find me. Now would be a good time because its night."

"Okay Chat Noir, I'm coming, but then I'll have to keep looking for Adrien Agreste."

"No you won't."


"Nevermind, just please come quickly," Chat said.

"I'm on my way. Stay put Chat," Ladybug said as she hung up. She tracked Chat Noir and saw that he was in an abandoned building at the edge of Paris.

Thank you Ladybug. Adrien thought to himself.


Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you next chapter!


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