Authors note

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Hey everyone, I'm not dead. A lot has happened for me over the past year and I either didn't have time to write or had horrible writers block. I'm so sorry to have made you all wait so long for a update, and then only to give you a note. But I am working on my stories again. I'm very tempted to go back and fix certain plot holes, spelling errors, and set up certain things better. But I'm not sure if you guys would want me to just edit the chapters already posted or if I should publish a new story all together (same plot but hopefully better) I'm a perfectionist at my core so there are a lot of things in my stories that bug me, most chapters were written too quickly.  Let me know in the comments if I should just edit the already published version or if I should publish a new one. Thanks for all the comments on my stories, it was nice to see so many after being gone for so long, I look forward to writing again.
Thanks for reading
Nico R

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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