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Isabelle POV

"Baby Baby Baby Ohhh"

"Niall Shut your Goddamn phone off!"

7:30 in the morning. Great. Niall's phone has been going off for that past half hour. Its been keeping me up for a while.

"Can't stop the music babe!" He said from outside the door. He slowly pushed it open.

"Hey babe can't fight it!"

"Shoo" I said in a very exhausted tone.


"Alright little leprachaun you have 3 seconds to run. 1..."

He didn't move a muscle


He stood there with a childish smirk on his face.


I jumped out of bed and chased after him down the hall. It didn't take long for me to catch him. I grabbed his shirt collar, grabbed his phone from his pocket and practically threw him into his room and locked the door behind him. Phone in hand. I turned it on silent and sulked back to bed. I climbed in and heard a voice behind me say, "Good job babe." Harry. I tiredly put a finger to his lips and said, "Shush. No time talk. Sleeeep." He giggled and wrapped an arm around my waist.

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