His Fiance: Saved

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WARNING: This chapter is gonna switch POVs ALOT

Your POV~~~


'Ugh...my head...'

I slowly opened my eyes to be greeted by a sharp pain on the left side of my face. Closing my eyes again and taking a minute to let the pain go away, I hear a gentle, calming voice.

"...Lady (Y/N)?"

I shot open my eyes and looked towards a woman in a maids outfit, Grey hair, and purple eyes-just like Ash's. She was on the other side of iron bars...Wait...Iron bars?. I jerked my head around-painfully- to the other side of the room. I was in a cell, on a cot...in a Wedding Dress...

Sebby-chans POV~
I fucking hated even the thought, of (Y/N) being alone for seven days. Seven whole days of us not being together. Just the mere thought of something happening to her...she is marked as mine- mine to protect. Mine to love and cherish. But with the thought of me seeing her later today, walking down the isle...this was our wedding day...soon after (Y/N) left the manor i was indeed going to go and see her- but Ciel ordered me to stay here.
I was interrupted by Ciel coming into my room, "Sebastian. The guests are beginning to arrive in the courtyard, (Y/N) should be here shortly." I bowed and he walked out ,I smirked walking out of the room behind him. Making it all the way to the courtyard doors and going all around the seats to make it to my place at the altar. The wedding taking place outside as- I do not fancy churches...sure I'll go in them, but most priests can sense what I am, and being in a place of that so called 'God' isn't very satisfying...
I took no notice of how the music had already started, the bridesgrooms and bridesmaids walking arm-In-arm, taking places behind me and where (Y/N) is suppose to enter. There was: Agni and (Y/N)s maid, Violet (her holding a handkerchief like she was crying)And Bard and Mintaka. Nobody knew who she was except for the Phantomhive staff and Ciel -me and (Y/N) included. Soon everybody was in their places and everybody stood up- waiting for (Y/N) to walk through the archway. But after about 10 minutes there was no sight. And I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

'She wouldn't have gotten cold feet would she?...what if something did happen with...him..' Panick was shown in my face and I looked over at Mintaka, then at Ciel- they were thinking of the same thing. I heard whispers of a couple people in the font row
"I bet she ran off, who would marry a butler"
"I heard he beats her"
"She's way to ugly for him- he is actually quite attractive"
I didn't let their remarks get to me, but after a couple miutes i heard running- and heavy breathing. A -Very small- man ran through under the archway out of breath and spoke. "L-Lady..(Y/N)- I-is Mis-sing..!! Wh-wasn't in her room..thi-this morning..." the man then fell to the floor, and two men ran to pick him up. I ran over to them and looked at the little man, he was sickly looking.

'Must have ran all the way here...' I thought, But as i looked down at him all i could feel was pure hate. Ash had (Y/N), and i could sense her distress. Mintaka put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me. Ciel soon stood up and spoke to everyone. "I am terribly sorry everyone...I ask that we all proceed to the main Ballroom, Food and refreshmet await" He smiled- but was just as worried as me and Mintaka. After everybody hurried inside he sprinted toward me and spoke. "Sebastian. Go. Find her, and bring her back safe" I nodded and in a flash was gone.

~~~~At The Baronneses manor~~~

Looking at the room...I could smell that discusting angels scent, and there were definitly signs of a struggle, after tearing apart the room looking for a sign of them, i found a note.

Go to where Ciel met his match..


"Bloody Hell?...where Ciel met his match?" Then it clicked,

She was at the Trancy Manor.


Your POV~~


"Wh-why am I here?! why am I in a wedding dress?" I yelled at the Maid, who just stood there with a smile on her face. "Lady (Y/N), Its your wedding day! how could you not remember your own wedding?" I was starting to get really sick of this womans smile. "I know its my wedding day, but MY wedding is not here." "Of course it is." I had to stop myself from ripping that womans neck out. "Where is he.." "Where is who" "ASH DAMMIT!, WHERE IS HE?!?" I blinked and suddenly he was there, with a evil, insane grin on his face. "Wha-where did she go?" "My, My (Y/N)...i must say...you look lovely today..." "Get away from me. Let me OUT OF HERE" Ash then unlocked the door and walked up in front of me. "I would advise you to be nice to me- i am your Fiance after all..." I lost it, and smackd him across the face. "Your not worthy of that title you sick freak!! now let me go!!" I was then pinned against the wall. Ash's face to mine- hair disheveled with an insane look in his eyes and smile. "Do. Not. Do.That. Again." I whimpered and he pecked me on the lips, before slaping me on the face. I fell to he floor and he kicked me, and again, and again. by this time the pain was unbearable and i was bleading from my face and stomach. Brusises and cuts forming on my body. After awhile he stopped and looked at me. "Aww, look at you- so pathetic, and weak...can you not do anything without sebastian?" I couldnt even respond because of the pain. He just chuckled and starting walking out of the cell, stopping to blow a kiss at me before locking the door again. "Let this be a lesson, Love..." I then sat there- cold, alone and weak...hurt and scared.

'Sebastian...where are you?'


Sebatians POV~~


As i got closer to the Trancy Manor i could only see red. but i could hear her breathing- ragged and afraid, i heard 'Sebastian...where are you?' and my heart broke in two. "I'm coming (Y/N). Hold on" i made it up to one of the back entrances, without being detected, and followed her breahing. eventually i got to an iron door. "In cells?" I opened the door without any difficulty and ran down the endless rows of iron bars, every-now-and then seeing a dead body in handcuffs, some shreded to peices, some limbs missing, and my worry for (Y/N) got worse every corpse i saw. Eventually i knew i was close when i smelt blood. Fresh blood. I followed the scent and saw a Cell that was completely dark. i kicked open the door and saw a dark mass over in the corner, i ran over to it and saw it was indeed (Y/N). i tried to pick her up but she screamed "G-GET away!!" "(Y/N) its okay, its me" she stoped struggiling and touched my face, smearing blood on my cheek- but I didnt care, she was safe. "S-s-Sebastian...Whe-we have to...to get out of her-e. he's gonna be ba-ck..." she could barely speak now- and screaming took another toll on her body. "Shh...i know, thats why i need you to come here, wrap your arms around my neck." she tried to crawl into my arms but fell down- me catching her. "Don't strain yourself darling" she nodded and put her face into my chest and somewhat passed out. i stepped out of the cell and in the light of the hallway saw her. "Oh my god..(Y/N), what did he do to you?" she was in a wedding dress that was stained red from blood, cuts and brusises covering every inch of her beautiful frame. "Im going to kill that monster..." i ran through the endless maze of cells eventually getting to the door, and not even bothering to be quiet anymore. I was to mad to care about anything but her. I heard a laugh behind me and held (Y/N) tighter, I knew who was behind me, but kept running. I saw him apear before me and stopped. he spoke first, "Isn't she beautiful, in that wedding dress...i took the pleasure of decoration..." I growled and he laughed. "Love will be your downfall Sebastian." Then he was gone, I made my way out of the manor and looked down at (Y/N), tears running down her face. "I'm so sorry (Y/N)..." eventually making it back to Ciels Manor, I busted in through his office door. he looked over at us and a look of horror grew on his face. "w-what happened?" "Call whoever you need to and tell them shes okay. Tell the staff to be on guard all around te manor- hell, even contact the yard for some officers." he nodded and i turned around, soon coming to our room. i opened the door and laid (Y/N) on the bed. she moaned and I kissed her forehead, holding her hand I looked at her arms- already starting to heal. When I marked her she gained a regenerative affect. Much like me. I stood up and walked out of the room. Ash was already here- and I was going to finally end this.

Omigowdd >~< shitty chapter Ik, I'm sorry for my updating ;~; but its summer vacation- and I wanna be lazy all the time :P

A Demons Bride: Sebastian Michealis x Reader Lemon(Sequel to A Demons Lost Love)Where stories live. Discover now