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"Hiya, lovelies." Eve said joyfully to the lens of her camera. "So, as you read the title of this video, you probably know..." She trailed off and shook her head.

"Not even four seconds in and you already have to edit something out." Bertie supplied from the sofa chair behind the camera.

"Fuck off." Eve rolled her eyes playfully. She looked back up the the camera, "I'm here today with my best friend and resident of the Murphson apartment, Bertie Murphy!" She gestured off camera to Bertie.

"Oh, that was my cue." She deadpanned.

"Bertie, I am going to strangle you." Eve joked, carding her fingers through her pink bob.

"Sorry, sorry!" Bertie laughed. "Do it again?"

"Nah, come here, I'll just jump-cut to you sitting on the couch." Eve waved her over. Her laziness typically ended in slightly over-edited videos. Sometimes this is a nuisance for Milo, who occasionally edits her videos.

Bertie joined Eve on the small, light grey sofa in front of the camera on a tripod on the coffee table. "Hi. You've seen me around. I live here." she waved at the camera.

"That you do." Eve laughed. "One year ago today, we did the Roommate Tag on Youtube. We had only lived together for about a month back then, although we'd known each other for a couple years. We'd just left our parents' houses to go to Big Scary College™️. Now that we've live with each other for a year, we can really nit pick all the things we hate about each other." Eve teased. The front door to the apartment opened suddenly, revealing Milo shuffling in carrying three bags of groceries.

"Hey! You! You aren't supposed to be here until..." Eve checked the time on her phone, which read 4:43 pm, "... 4:30. Oh."

"We're filming. Were. We were filming. Barely." Bertie stated. "Eve was supposed to do this while you were at work but she slept in."

"Sleep happens to be a vital part of being alive, Bertie." Eve replied.

"Yup, all 12 hours of it." Bertie teased.

"Well whatever the video, it will have to be filmed later as I have to start on dinner and you," Milo set the groceries down on the other side of the bar that separated the small kitchen from the living room, "Have to put that ad up on eBay or something."

Eve and Bertie shared a glance. "Ad?" they both said together.

Milo sighed. "Ad. The one I talked to Eve about last night, but I guess you weren't listening like you said you were." he continued unbagging groceries and getting out cooking ware, "We need a fourth roommate. One with money. We can't pay the fucking rent."

Eve and Bertie shared another glance, although with much less confusion than before. "Right." Eve muttered. "Which means you have to clean up the equipment in your room to share it!" Bertie shot back at Milo.

"Done. I have prepared and thought this through, unlike you two. Maybe I should just do the ad..." He propped himself up on the counter with his arms, sighing exasperatedly.

"Nah, bro, we got this." Bertie waved him off, "Have a little faith."

"It's not faith, it's trust!" He raised his voice to the girls who were leaving down the small hallway to their shared bedroom. He continued to mutter to himself, "And I've known you literally since we left the womb, yet I still don't trust you to get this done correctly." He set off to boil some water and unfreeze some vegetables while the girls discussed the ad.

"Okay, what kind of person do we want to share our living space with?" Bertie asked Eve and herself once they had eBay pulled up on her laptop.

"Well, it'd be best if we could have someone who fits in with us and can be part of the family. Like, an addition to the Squad." Eve supplied.

"Or someone who just lives here but doesn't show and signs of living here. Like a ghost!" Bertie added. Eve side eyed her friend.

"I don't think anyone would be able to live with us and not become a part of the Squad. We're too tight knit, eventually it'll probably happen." Eve stated. They really were a family in this apartment, although Eve wasn't related to Bertie and Milo. It was going to be impossible for someone to live with them and not become a part of the family. Either that or the closeness of the roommates would scare the new one off. They hoped that the latter would not happen.

"Okay fair enough, so someone whose interests are compatible with ours?" Bertie suggested.

"Sure. And we need a boy, he's going to share a room with Milo and I'm sure Milo'd be much more comfortable with a fellow male as a roommate." Eve rattled off requirements as Bertie typed up the ad, finishing it off with a picture of a quick overview sketch Eve whipped up to give the person an idea of where they would be staying.

[pic of the apt]

Must pay partial rent. Must take part in chores. Must be clean everywhere in the apartment unless it's your side of the bedroom. Must be accepting and welcoming of all people regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, etc. Best if you know how and are willing to play mario kart with us.

NOTES: We are a very tight knit family here, so be prepared to have less boundaries than you might be used to. Excited to meet you ^-^

"That works." Eve said contently.

"Well enough." Bertie added.

"Now to wait and hope someone comes before we're evicted."

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