An hour passed, and neither of the two Acheroraptors chirped a word to the other. Black Talon felt every minute of time pass by- he had been analysing their choices. He knew that they needed to be smart about this- even the smallest mistake could lead to disaster. If the virus spread at a very fast rate and could affect individuals of other species, finding sufficient prey could become difficult. They were true predators after all, flesh was their basic need, and if they couldn't find it, then death would become inevitable. If things truly became desperate, they could always devour a few plants, but as obligate carnivores, they couldn't get all the nutrients from them. It would simply take away their sense of hunger for a small amount of time, nothing more, and nothing less. So, a source of prey was compulsory, and if they were all infected, then that would be a death sentence.
Then there was the whole issue with the virus being able to spread incredibly easily. They couldn't risk slashing at the infected unless it was a last resort- if any blood or saliva entered their system through inhalation, through the mouth, or through an open wound, it would be over. Biting was out of the question- that just invited the virus right into the body. Kicking or tail-whacking was less risky, but still risky nonetheless. It was obvious- their best chance was to run.
'We should move,' Black Talon spoke up. Fleet Claw looked up at him, taken out of her thoughtful trance. 'We need to find some prey and bring it here. Preferably something small like a rodent or a bird, we can't risk hunting anything bigger. Plus, it'll be much safer to go outside in daylight.'
'Good idea,' Fleet Claw replied. 'Let's go.'
Fleet Claw had three dead rodents in her jaws. She waited patiently by the stream, watching Black Talon stalk an unsuspecting frog sitting on a pad in the calm waters. Tapping her foot, she saw the dark coloured raptor slowly move towards the small amphibian. He wasn't hunting it- he had already killed two of the rodents- he was just curious. He had never seen a frog so close before.
'What an interesting creature... strange legs, huh?' He said, staring at the animal. The frog turned around and saw the huge face of an Acheroraptor. With widened eyes and a terrified croak, he instantly jumped into the stream, not waiting to know whether the saurian was hungry for his flesh or just being curious.
Water splashed against Black Talon's face. He shut his eyes instinctively, and reared up to his normal position.
'Are you done looking at the frog yet?' Fleet Claw asked with her mouth full of dead mammals, somewhat amused by Black Talon's curiosity.
'Sorry. It just helps distracting me from everything,' Black Talon said, and quickly scurried to his friend. 'Need help carrying any of them?' He asked, gesturing to their prey with his wing.
'Nope, this is fine.'
Fleet Claw suddenly felt a strange instinct- her mind was telling her that she was being watched by something. Quickly, she turned to her left, where there was a rise forming a small hill covered in flora. At the top of the hill, she saw a dark silhouette among the small trees, undoubtedly raptoroid in size and shape- with glowing yellow eyes flickering in the shadows.
Her stomach dropped.
'Black Talon!' She gasped, and turned to her friend.
'What is it?'
'Look there!'
The two instantly looked at the hill. Except this time, there was no raptor, and certainly no glowing yellow eyes.
'I don't see anything, what was it?'
'It was one of them! It was a viral!'
'Are you sure?'
'Completely. I think it's still here!'
'Look around! We must locate it now!'
Panicking, the two began to scan the area, barely noticing the fact that they had started to breathe faster. Eyes swivelling, Black Talon felt his heart race, as if it was about to burst from his chest. They had to find it- if they didn't, they would die. There was a sudden bump nearby, which took Black Talon by surprise, making him jump- was it the viral? No, it was just Fleet Claw dropping the prey to the ground.
But, where was it? He could barely tell. There were no rustles in the bushes, no sounds from the stream...
A huge, bloody mass of navy feathers landed between Fleet Claw and Black Talon, throwing them off balance. He could hear the furious snarl of the mindless viral Acheroraptor which landed between the two.
Damn it! It must have jumped from the trees! Black Talon slammed against the ground, and saw the viral advance towards a fallen, screeching Fleet Claw. It growled and shot its claws out towards the crying raptor, who grabbed the viral's hands and kept them as far away from her as she could.
Black Talon instantly pounced up, and ran to the two battling raptors. Fleet Claw kept her eyes shut and kicked instinctively at the viral with the sickle claw on her foot, slashing at its stomach. Black Talon quickly headbutted the rageful monster off his friend, growling. The viral slammed against the ground, writhing uncontrollably.
'Were you bitten!?' He snarled at Fleet Claw, adrenaline pumping through his body. She shook her head, and quickly got up on her legs splattered with blood and contents from the viral's stomach.
Black Talon ran to the fallen viral, and snarling, began stomping down on its head with his foot. Fleet Claw instantly shut her eyes, and didn't open them until she heard the viral's cries and movements cease.
She saw Black Talon looming over the dead body of the navy raptor. Nervously, she approached, staring at the face of the viral. There was barely anything left, it was just a mix of an unrecognisable mass of bones and blood. And yet, she knew that scent...
Black Talon panted, then shocked, stared at his legs.
There was a scratch.
'That was from its claws... I'm not going to transform, am I?' He asked, looking at Fleet Claw, whose eyes were wide with fear.
'Am I!?' Black Talon raised his voice, fear pulsing through his body.
Fleet Claws breath faltered for a moment, then quickly, she shook her head.
'No...' She said, tears suddenly appearing in her eyes. 'No...'
Black Talon stared at her, somewhat confused. Tears trickled down her face, and he tilted his head curiously.
'Are you all right?'
'Sorry... I just thought that it was a bite for a second... I thought that I was going to lose you too...' She wept, sniffing. She wiped away her tears with her feathered arm.
'Look at me,' Black Talon said, staring her in the eyes coldly. She looked up tearily.
'If I- or anyone else- gets bitten, or has even a 1% chance of transforming... you kill without hesitation.'
'What? I... I could never kill-'
'Yes, you can. You must be prepared to kill anything that will become a viral. Including me.'
'But you're my friend!'
'That won't matter if I transform. Did you recognise this raptor?'
'Yes... it was Night Tooth... we used to... to play together as chicks...'
'Well, it isn't Night Tooth anymore. You saw it, didn't you? It attacked without mercy, without remorse. Whatever it is, it can make me like that if I become infected. So, you must be prepared to kill no matter what. Do you understand?'
Fleet Claw sighed, then slowly, nodded. 'I understand...'
'Good. Now let's go. The prey is not contaminated with its blood, is it?'
'No,' She slowly inspected the three rodents, holding back tears. 'They're all fine.'
'Then come on. We need to go back. It'll be sundown soon. Things could get far worse unless we return before it sets.'
The Virals
Acak66,000,000 years ago. Black Talon knew life was cruel. He knew all too well. But, he also knew that now was a time for rest- he had his pack, and his friends by his side. Things were actually quite good. But it was not going to last. A virus. A viru...