A Whole New World

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That night, Daisy and her parents were sleeping at Elvira's house. Sara, Hugo, and their families were sleeping in the palace. Roland, Miranda, and James were sleeping, too. Amber and Sofia snuck into the throne room, where Luna and Julia were waiting.

"Ready to see Vallestrella?" Luna asked.

"You know I am," Amber grinned. "Are you, Sofia?" she asked her sister.

"As I'll ever be," Sofia said flatly. "Let's just hurry and spend our 15 minutes in Vallestrella before anyone here finds out we're gone."

Sofia got on Luna, and Amber got on Julia, and the Jaquins flew the princesses away into the night.

Soon enough, Luna and Julia took the princesses to the entrance to Vallestrella.

"These rocks will open up, and we'll fly into Vallestrella," Luna told the princesses.

The rocks opened up, and the two Jaquins flew in—they were all in Vallestrella. This realm was definitely beautiful.

"Wow, breathtaking," Sofia gazed. She really loved how beautiful Vallestrella was, but she felt guilty about disobeying Daisy's warning.

"See, Sofia?" Amber smiled at her sister. "We're in Vallestrella, and nothing has happened."

"That's because we got here just a few seconds ago, Amber," Sofia snarked. "Now let's spend 15 minutes here, and we'll return to the palace before anyone finds out we're gone."

"What do you want to see first?" Julia asked.

"Let's see the Peabunnies," Amber requested.

The Jaquins flew the princesses down to the field where the Peabunnies lived. Sofia and Amber liked how these creatures were bunnies with peacock tails.

"Oh, the Peabunnies are beautiful," Amber squealed.

"This is amazing," Sofia smiled. "It looks like the Peabunnies are dancing."

"That's how they communicate," Julia said.

"Are you in the mood to seeing the Velociervos?" Luna asked.

"Daisy told us about that the minute our ship took off," Sofia said. "She said they're the fastest animals in the realm."

"Yes, they are," Julia nodded.

Julia and Luna took Amber and Sofia to see the Velociervos. The Velociervos were beautifully colored deer, and they could run really fast.

"Wow, I've never even seen the Junior Knights go that fast," Sofia gaped.

A Velociervo came up to the group and asked, "You must be new. Care to witness how fast we really are?"

"Uh, sure," Sofia shrugged.

Sofia climbed up on a Velociervo—and the creature ran really fast. The Velociervo ran so fast that Sofia had to hang on tightly, or she'd fall and get hurt. When the Velociervo finally stopped, Sofia fell to the ground, feeling dizzy.

"What do you think, princess?" Luna asked.

"Oh, I don't think I want to go that fast ever again," Sofia groaned dizzily. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

Sofia and Amber were having a good time in Vallestrella. But Sofia said they were only going to be there for 15 minutes, and the girls forgot all about the time.

"Whoa, it's already been 10 minutes," Sofia said. "We only have five minutes before we have to return to the Ever Realm."

"Relax, Sofia," Amber told her sister. "We're going to be okay." Suddenly, something beautiful caught her eye. "What is that?"

"That is the castle of the royal family of Vallestrella: King Verago and Princes Nico and Skylar," Luna said.

"Our Skylar?" Sofia asked. "He's a prince? No wonder he only lets royals ride him."

"Let's look inside," Amber said.

"No, we can't," Sofia protested. "King Verago banished humans from entering his kingdom. If anybody in there catches us, we'll be in big trouble."

"Well, there has to be a secret entrance around here," Amber said.

"There is one," Luna said.

Luna and Julia flew the princesses to a secret entrance.

"This is the Terrible Tower, where all baddies are locked up," Luna said.

"Whoa, there's no reason to roam around here—and we only have 3 minutes before we go back to the palace," Sofia frowned.

"Sofia, nothing is going to happen," Amber scoffed. "We're not going to let any bad guys out."

Amber and Sofia entered the Terrible Tower. It seemed empty, so there were no bad guys.

"See, Sofia?" Amber asked. "There are no bad buys in the tower." But then she tripped and broke a glass door that was containing a shiny ruby bottle. "Oops! Oh, what a beautiful bottle! What's in here?" She decided to open the bottle.

"No, Amber, I wouldn't open that!" Sofia cried.

But it was too late—Amber had already opened the bottle, and out flew what looked like an ugly fairy with moth wings came flying out.

"At last I am free!" the fairy cackled. "Hello, Vallestrella! The one and only Tamarix is back!"

"Tamarix?" Sofia asked.

"That's right—the realm's favorite moth fairy has returned to take what should be hers!" Tamarix exclaimed. "And who are you, girls?"

"I'm Princess Sofia of Enchancia, and this is my stepsister Amber," Sofia replied. "What do you mean 'take what should be yours'?"

"Years ago, after humans were banished from Vallestrella, I broke from my world and tried to overthrow King Verago," Tamarix revealed. "I used my magic to cover the realm with vined weeds, but the Jaquins defeated me by trapping me in that bottle. Now that I'm free, I can take over Vallestrella!"

Amber couldn't believe what she did, but she said, "Well, enjoy yourself. We should get back to Avalor now."

Amber dragged Sofia onto Luna, and Amber herself got onto Julia. The Jaquins flew off back to Avalor. But little did they know that Tamarix was following them.

As the Jaquins flew back to the palace, Amber was feeling nonchalant, but Sofia was furious.

"I cannot you believe you, Amber! An evil moth fairy is going to overthrow King Verago, and you helped her!" Sofia growled.

"I made an honest mistake, Sofia," Amber retorted.

"The real mistake is disobeying Daisy!" Sofia snapped. "She said not to go into Vallestrella, but you just had to get what you wanted!"

"Daisy doesn't have to know that I disobeyed her," Amber protested.

"But I know," Sofia snapped.

"Okay, let's just pretend nothing happened, and nobody will know what I did," Amber shrugged.

The sisters made it back to Avalor Palace. They retreated to their guest rooms, put on their jammies, climbed into bed, and fell asleep. But Sofia felt so bad about entering Vallestrella that she could barely sleep.

Sofia the First: Realm of the JaquinsWhere stories live. Discover now