You Can't Spell Satan Without Stan

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It starts with small things.

He finds his tongue is sore and it's kind of hard to talk but he can get through it. His head hurts and not in the headache way, in the way that something is trying to push it's way out of his head. But, it doesn't happen that often so that's a plus.

It's all really weird and makes no sense but it's manageable.

Then it starts to get worse.

He accidentally sets Butters on fire. Nobody blames him, they all blame Butters, but Stan is sure that it was him.

He feels unbearably hot throughout the day and he's almost about to strip in class and he wouldn't care about getting expelled. Then Butters pats him on the shoulder, obviously sensing his distress and it comforts him for five seconds and then Butters is staring at his hand, fire spreading up his arm. 

Stan can't move as he watches Butters burning, he's close to vomit because holy shit dude and then he realizes that it happened right after he touched Stan and that he hadn't done anything else to set himself on fire. Stan's skin somehow set Butters on fire. He's totally at fault. He runs away because he thinks they are going to expel him and he does truly care about being expelled. 

And then they just, don't.

Then one day he is walking through the woods trying to clear his head and he sees a deer. He almost immediately blacks out and when he comes to he's standing over a deer corpse with a bunch of teeth in his hands. He screams, vomits, and cries. He would never never never do something like this! He loves animals!

He must be going crazy, he must be insane. He asks his parents to commit him because he isn't sane this isn't normal what's happening what's happening what's happening-

They just give him blank smiles, unlike any smile they've ever given him and tell him that everything is fine, and that he isn't insane. He yells at them, begs at them, screams and cries, and runs to Kyle's house but stops just short of the door. How would Kyle react to this? Would he even help him? Could he help him?

He is all alone in this.

He eventually resigns himself to the fact he isn't going to get help and falls asleep.

His sleep is angry and he can't stop writhing and screaming in his bed. His dreams are filled with him contorting into strange shapes, pentagrams made with blood, fire, pain oh so much pain, he can't be sure if he's dead or alive anymore. 

Then everything just stops. He jolts out of bed, unbearably uncomfortable. All of his limbs feel new, he is to hot, and he all of his sense seem to be on hyper drive and all the sensations are to much.

He looks to his clock and holy fuck it is 12:00pm and he's really fucking late. 

He glares. Fuck school. He doesn't need to go there, if he's not there they won't care. Then his glare softens at the thought of Kyle. Kyle would care. Stan sighs and walks to the bathroom because he is to hot and he needs an extremely cold shower.

He stops at the mirror and screams. He has horns growing out of his head, a long forked tongue, a fucking tail, his eyes are glowing red like fire, and he has claws. None of this is normal and he's terrified because why why why why whywhywhywhywhy-

"Dude, fucking chill. So you are a demon now, nothing wrong with it." Stan turns faster than every to see Damien standing in his bathroom. He screams again because this is apparently is becoming a habit of his.

"Stop. Screaming. It's fucking annoying. So the short answer is that because my dear old dad possessed you now you have remnants of his demonic-ness still on you so you are now technically a demon. I'm here to drag you to a lesson on how to control your demonic-ness. I guess that is what I'll call it." Stan didn't have anytime to think about the fact that he was now a demon, because Damien magiced some clothing onto him, grabbed his shoulder and dragged him down into the burning pits of hell.

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