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Hey guys! let's try to get this book more reads then the last one! I last one had 1.1k reads and I know we can beat that one!


(Travis Pov)

I woke before Kate because she always plans tricks on us when were asleep. I look down to see Kate soundly asleep. She looked so cute when she slep. She looks so peaceful. like a little a kid sleeping after a long hard day.

(Kate's pov)

When I woke up I looked up to find Travis looking down at me. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Good morning beautiful." He responded.

"Good morning cutie."

"Danny told me you hate gingers but your with me. How is that?"

"I told Danny I don't like gingers unless they have long beautiful hair, can make jokes about them selfies, sing beautifully and if they are Irish.

"I am all of them."

"That's why I love you." I said giving him a little kiss and getting out of bed. Travis stayed in bed for a little.

(Travis Pov)

As I was just about to get out of bed her phone went off. It was a text from an unknown number...

'You can't block me that easily. I am a hacking master. Travis will be mine! -A'

Who is A? I got out of bed and walked over to Kate. She was Vlogging/uploading her Vlog of yesterday. I waited for her to stop.

When she stopped I walked over to her.

"Who's A?"

(Kate's pov)

When I got out of bed I started to vlog and upload yesterday's vlog. I was also on twitter.

(Kate's vlog)

"Go morning guys! It not really morning it's almost 11. Well that's still morning. What am I talking about you guys don't care. Anyways I just go up and I think Travis just went back to sleep so I got up to upload an edit the vlog. I don't think any of the guys are up. I think it's just me. So I am on twitter. Look who's up!" I said turning the camera to Travis.

"Hey guys." Travis said siting down with my phone in his hand. He looked worry and like something was bothering him. What's wrong? I wondered. I shut off my camera and put it down.

"Who's A?" I froze when he asked that question. How does he know about A? Did she text him too? I thought she was blocked.

"Who's A?" He asked again. I didn't answer.

"Kate! Tell me who she is!" He demanded. I still didn't answer.

"Kate. I am sorry for yelling but I am worred about you. I care about you and your safety. Please tell me who A is!" he begged.

"Just an old bully from school who found out I am with you and she has a crush on you but trust me she's harmless. She's all talk but no action." I lied. this was the first time I lied to him but he would be checking my phone 24/7 all day so I had to. For his safety.

"Are you sure?" I said looks a little uneasy. He handed me my phone back.

"Yes I am sure." I said as my phone went off. I looked down at it.

'I would never hurt Travis... but you that's a another story- A' I felt weight being lifted off of my shoulders.

"Who's that?" Travis asked making my jump.

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