Chapter 1

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" I can't do this Mira! I'm not ready we're both young! I can't have a baby, I just can't!

"But Erza I can't do this alone, please!"Mirajane pleaded but Erza wasn't trying to hear none of it. She tried to grab Erza's hand but she pulled away.

I'm sorry, but I can't." And with that Erza stormed out leaving a pregnant Mira crying in her bedroom. That night was the first night Mira cried herself asleep since her sister died.

This was ten years ago...

10 years later

Mira jolted awake to a kid jumping on top of her, laughing and smiling."Mommy, Mommy its today, it's today!" The child said so eagerly, Mira was so confused and dazed to register to what day lisanna(Her ten year old daughter) was yelling about as her brained just cataloged it as Saturday.

"Lisanna sweetie stop." Mira said while quieting her down and with a bounce she plopped down."Okay sweetie what day are we talking about again?"

"The festival mommy!" She said starting to bounce again while sitting down. Realization hit her face as she smiled remembering the times she use to go as a kid. Her eyes looked around the giddy girl and latched on to something, well a person to be exact. It was Lisanna's twin brother Ezra, he stood there quietly. Unlike lisanna he was quiet , a little impulsive from time to time, and nonchalant. And as for lisanna she was loud, quite impulsive and hard headed.

"Ezra," she smiled "Ready for the festival?" He shrugged his shoulders and left. She shook her head not knowing what to do with him. She turned to a still smiling Lisanna, "Want some breakfast!" She said hopping out of bed.

"Yesss!"She stood up and jumped down.

'Alright go brush your teeth and put your clothes on!" She said keeping the excitement up. She ran out of the room and in to the bathroom. She put on her slippers and walked out into the hallway and past Ezra's room where she saw him changing, "Want breakfast?" She asked coming in . He turned to her with those God forsaken black eyes that reminded her so much of Ezra.

"Yes ma'am."He started to put on his shoes and she walked over to sit on his bed.

"So...Ezra what's going on buddy?" She asked as he sat down beside her.

"Nothing much." He said while looking ahead.

"You sure?" she asked trying to get something out of him a smile ,an answer , a burp anything!

"Yeah." He said turning his black eyes on her, she gave a small smile.

"Guess what." She said while crossing her legs. "You get to pick breakfast, whatcha want?"She said getting up.

"Smiley face waffles and bacon." He said smiling a little, of course it was forced but Mirajane could have cared less, she getting him to smile was enough. She left and went to Lisanna's room and peeped in.

"Smiley face waffles and bacon bud."

"Okay."She smiled as she looked up from tying her shoes. She left and went into the kitchen and took out all the necessities the needed and started. She started dancing and humming along to a song her mom use to sing when she was a little girl.


"Oh Erzaaaaas!"Rung out through the office building, the voice was filled with excitement and news.

'What Natsu?" she said a little irritated , he came in her office with a bag of breakfast and coffee in hand. He sat down on the opposite side of the desk from where she was.

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