Chapter III

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Naruto blasted forward, churning up some of the earth beneath his feet. His fist was reared back, ready to strike but hit nothing but air. The Kaguya clan patriarch had seen the punch being thrown a mile away and easily redirected it.

He was doing so rather easily to the rest of the young Kaguya' attacks, simply redirecting them or completely avoiding them. His own attacks however were precise and deadly, as he inflicted what he could on the tough body of his opponent.

The half Uzumaki and half Kaguya warrior released a war cry of frustration at his inability to land a hit on the man. Reaching into his shoulders, Naruto pulled out two finely sharpened blades and went forward unto battle once more.

"Hahahahaha!" laughed the patriarch, maniacally. "What do you think you're going to do with those! Besides make me mad."

Seeing no other option, the man deftly dodged each strike and would only continue to move away from getting pierced. He knew it would be rather troublesome to fight the boy up close with his bloodline, so he would play it safe.

"Come now boy! Your mother put up more of a fight!"

Naruto was getting angrier and angrier the more the man spoke. He was losing his himself.

'Yes. That's it, get angrier.'

The hunter-nin overreached on a strike and left himself wide open.


Naruto was sent skidding backwards, holding the spot he had been kicked. Taking a knee, the crimson haired youth remained as such for a moment.

"What's this! The mighty wielder of the Shikotsumyaku is tired and cannot even beat an old man like me!" He had seen some of his clan members watching the fight after they had taken care of the trash known as Kiri shinobi.

He was about to say something else when he heard laughter. Looking around, it wasn't from any of his own people. Turning back, he looked at the bastard of a boy in front of him.

"Hahahahaha..." Naruto stood up, completely fine. "You say some funny things, for a deadman." The clan members standing around the clan patriarch fell to the ground unconscious.

The man' eyes widened hysterically as his breath hitched. "What did you do!?" From what he could see, none of the damage he had dished out earlier could be seen on his the boy' body anymore. It was just gone. Like magic.

No sooner had he finished his sentence did he know what was wrong. He put his hands together in a seal.


As soon as the illusion had been released did everything come rushing into him. First it was the stench of the carcass's lying around that had been torn apart. Then it was the quietness of the area. After that it was the pain he felt in his back.

It had taken his brain a moment to register what had exactly happened and when it did, it wasn't pretty as he writhed on the ground. His arms tried their hardest to reach his back, pull out whatever it was that had been lodged.

A few feet away from him, Naruto was watching the entire thing with a stoic look as he had taken care of those who had surrounded him. The man on the ground had been placed in an illusion the moment he met Ranmaru's eyes while he did his own work.

Walking up behind him, he gripped both of his bone blades in his hand.

"Wait!" The man cried out. He had heard someone coming from behind him, "I'm sorry, I didn't really do anything with your mother! I just wanted our clan to reign supreme-"

Naruto had no time to listen to this poor excuse of a man' drivel. He beheaded him and tossed the body into one of the open flames around the wreckage. Whispering into his shoulder, he waited a few seconds to see if anyone else remained in this sector of the village. Ranmaru shook his head. Naruto left the area immediately once he got confirmation. He was on his way to see his family.

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