Chapter 25

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Chrono's POV

This is it today is the day that the under 20 will begin and I will free ahsha from the hands of shiranui, so then I take a shower wear my usual clothes and wake up Tokoha

Chrono: Hey tokoha wake up

Tokoha: 5 more minutes

Chrono: Today is the day of the under 20

Tokoha: ok ok I'm up

Chrono: Good now take a shower and change your clothes

Tokoha: ok Chrono

And then I got out of my room and go to the kitchen to make some breakfast, after I made breakfast tokoha came out of the room and say

Tokoha: What's for breakfast?

Chrono: Eggs and bacon with some fresh orange juice

Tokoha: thanks Chrono

Chrono: just hurry up ok

25 minutes later

Tokoha: ok I'm done

Chrono: Great now let's go to the stadium

So then me and tokoha goes to the train station so that we can get to the tournament

30 minutes later

Finally we arrived at the stadium and we go to the counter and said

Chrono: Team Chronoha signing in

Desk lady: Oh team Chronoha Chrono shindou and tokoha Anjou ok you guys can go to the lobby and wait for the tournament begin

Tokoha: Thank you

Then we walked away from the counter and goes to the lobby to wait for the tournament, after we wait for awhile shion and am comes from the door and say

Shion: hey guys

Chrono: sup, so you guys already registered

Am: yeah

Tokoha: what is your duo name?

Shion: is shionam

Chrono: that's a good duo name

Shion: thanks, how about yours?

Chrono: is Chronoha

Am: that's a really cute name

Chrono: hey that's not cu-

Speaker: all partners goes inside and hear the rules of the under 20

And with that me and tokoha goes inside of the stadium and we were shocked that alot of the people chanting Chronoha so I waved my hand to them and they scream

Ibuki: hello there my name is kouji Ibuki and all partners will here the rules of the under 20, ok today is the first level and only 10 partners will advance to the the second level, and here are the rules

1st level rules:
-partners will have to fight alone against other people
-partners cannot fight each other
-the one who has won againts 50 people get to advance to the second level
-and the one who lost the battle will get trapped in the drop zone      

Ibuki: Did you guys hear all of that

Everybody: Yeah!!!

Ibuki: Everybody ready to

Everybody: FIGHT!!!

And with that the whole room transform into a arena and me and tokoha said

Chrono: ok now I want you to win 25 battles and I will win 25

Tokoha: what if one of us lose?

Chrono: we won't because we need to fight shiranui and his partner

Tokoha: Ok

Chrono: see you (kiss tokoha's cheek)

And with that I run away from her and to the other direction but then somebody challenge me

Random guy: Fight me!!

Chrono: Ok

Chrono and random guy: Stand up

Chrono: The

Chrono and the random guy: Vanguard!!

Tokoha's POV

Ok i will look for someone to fight (sees a girl)

Tokoha: I challenge you

Random girl: O-O-Ok

Tokoha and random girl: Stand up vanguard!!!

2 Hours later

Ok I won 24 battles haven't lost to a single battle then I saw Kumi wandering around so I said

Tokoha: Kumi

Kumi: Hey tokoha

Tokoha: I didn't know you're joining, who's your partner?

Kumi: Tsuneto

Tokoha: anyways let's fight

Kumi: ok

Tokoha and Kumi: Stand Up the Vanguard

Chrono's POV

Yes already 24 wins now I just need one more oh look at the is poor Tsuneto wandering around guess I have no choice

Chrono: Yoo Dope

Tsuneto: Hey Don't call me that

Chrono: wanna fight or not?

Tsuneto: Let's go

Chrono and Tsuneto: stand up

Chrono: The

Chrono and Tsuneto: Vanguard!!

30 minutes later

Chrono: Yay I won

Tsuneto: I was surprised that you have a new grade 4 and grade 3

Chrono: thanks

Tsuneto: how many have you beaten?

Chrono: 25 people and tokoha said that she just won against Kumi so that makes it 50 people

Ibuki: congratulation to Chrono and tokoha they have won against 50 people now you two can wait in the winners room

So then I walk to the winners room and I saw Tokoha in there and I said

Chrono: hey you were great

Tokoha: You too

Chrono: I'm so glad that you're my partner

Tokoha: aww thanks (kiss Chrono in the lips)

Ibuki: You guys know that the window is see through right?

Chronoha: (blushes) sorry

1 hour later

Ibuki: ok the partners that succeed through the first level is

-chrono and tokoha
-shion and am
-luna and satoru
-kamui and nagisa
-taiyou and Hiro
-kumi and Tsuneto
-mamoru and Rin
-ren and asaka
-kai and misaki (one of my best ships)
-aichi and kourin

Ibuki: and this duo's will advance too the second level and the second level will begin in 2 days from today so everybody needs to train first, so see you soon in the next 2 days

So then me and tokoha walked out of the stadium and went to the train station and goes to my apartment, after we made our way to my apartment we quickly go to my bed and sleep because of the battles.

Ok guys I'm gonna wrapped the chapter and do you guys like it and yeah I know there are 3 over power duo like aichi and kourin, Ren and asaka, Kai and misaki but hey we are gonna show that tokoha and Chrono and the others has the chance to beat this duo's, ok I will see you in the next chapter...


Cardfight Vanguard G: Chrono X Tokoha Where stories live. Discover now