We all have different lives. Some are practically in heaven while most are in hell. Live is a bed of roses for some and a thorn in some .
It not a problem that I have completely forgotten what it means to be utterly happy because giving people happiness is much more better than not trying at all. I am contended with giving people happiness even if I can't exactly feel It.
I can smile the brightest ,laugh the hardest,be playful,jovial and I still don't know what happiness means..I know it complete bull for someone to have that mentality or feel that way but when life throws you too much shit ,you get used to it and become so confident and friendly with life and its shit that no matter what comes your way it wouldn't shock you.You would probably just brush it all off and smile back and say"is that the best you have got"?
You have become so friendly with life's bullshit that you are practically besties and life knows...it just routine that it throws you shit just to keep you on ur feet. One way or another it is helping you to be strong,to hold your head up high,to not look down on yourself ,to be proud of where you have been,where you are going,where you will be and that no matter what there is nothing you can't punch back in the face.
That's just life being a better bestie than the people leaving in it.
The sight
ParanormalLet the darkness lead us into the light. Chinki has always known home to be the 3 bedroom flat on the outskirt of the little town where no one other than her and her uncles live in.She was satisfied with it,she couldn't ask for more..... David and...