Our new chapter

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Jania P.O.V
6:00 a.m.
I woke up early before anyone else to sneak out to get what I needed to surprise my family with the miracle that is now our child growing inside me. I left a note for Finn saying:
Dear Babe.
I just went to run a very important thing. I can't tell you what that is yet but you will soon find out.
Love Jania ❤️
I got into the Range Rover and headed off to the baby store. I parked in the parking lot and went in. I felt all sorts of emotions I'd never had before there were pregnant women with their husbands and then their were some with little baby's it was crazy. I probably looked like a lost little kid standing there frozen. A woman with a nice smile walked up to me I read her name tag and it said Jenny "Can I help you ma'am?" She asked me a smile still plastered on her face. "Umm yeah actually I'm looking for like some cute outfits to tell my family that I'm pregnant." I said looking around once more. "Ohhh ok I can show you to that section just follow me." Jenny said waving me to walk with her and I followed her. We got to the section I looked around saying thank you for helping to Jenny watching her walk off. I looked at all the cute little outfits and I picked one out for each person in my family. I checked out and went to the corner store and got some wrapping paper and box's while I was in line I got a call from Finn.
Jania: Hey Baby
Finn: Hey Baby I saw your note is everything alright? *he asked in a very sexy deep voice because he had just woken up*
Jania: yep I'm just getting a few things and I'll be home soon FYI you sound super sexy right now.
*Finn laughs*
Finn: Thanks my love be home as soon as you can I need some snuggles.
Jania: Ohh do you now? What kind of snuggles are you talking about?
Finn: Any snuggles as long as there with you Baby
Jania: Awww Finn your so sweet your gonna making me cry in the corner store!
Finn: Just showing my love for you babe but anyway I'll see you soon.
Jania: ok love you bye
Finn: love you too bye.
I left the store and drove home. Once I got there I put the presents in the box's before walking into the house. I set them down on the dining room table before feeling a sudden rush of exhaustion run through me so I walked to the bedroom to see Finn up right watching wrestling still in bed with his hair messy. As I walked in he smiled and so did I "Hey Baby." He said opening the covers for me to get into bed and I did snuggling into his chest. He kissed my forehead a few times " so what's the secret that you need to tell me!" He asked excitedly and I giggled " well you have to get my brother and sister and Roman all in the kitchen for me to tell you ok?" I said smirking. "Ok baby im gonna go right now!" He said ecstatic slowly sliding out of bed getting up still naked stretching out. I smacked his ass and he turned around quickly and laughed before walking out. As I laid in bed I heard Finn yell "COME ON ROMAN YA HORNY FUCK MY FAINCÈ NEEDS TO TELL US SOMETHING SO STOP FUCKING FOR FIVE MINUTES AND GO TO THE KITCHEN!" I laughed so hard I almost fell out of bed. Soon Finn came back in and had a huge childish grin on his face. "They're all in the kitchen babe." He said slightly jumping back and forth on his feet. I giggled sitting up slightly and he came over to me swooping me up into his arms and bringing me to the kitchen. Finn set me down lightly and I told him to sit down with everyone else and he did. I was so excited as I handed them all their gifts. I told them all to open them at the same time and they did but Finn was the first to react to his gift.

 I told them all to open them at the same time and they did but Finn was the first to react to his gift

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