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Flora's POV

Today is the day I'll be moving to ponyville!

Im from canterlot the reason im moving to ponyville is that i wanted to meet the princess of friendship Twilight Sparkle

Ive heard a lot of her that i wanted to meet her and learn my magic from her Princess Celestia has been so busy that i cant ask her to teach me

Anyways i have packed all my stuff and head out

~Time Skip~

Narrator POV

As Flora finally arrived at ponyville her eyes shines and her smile got brighter

"Oh my celestia! This place looks so beautiful" she exclaimed

Then suddenly she was tackled by a Pink haired pony

"Hi new pony! Im Pinkie Pie! Your new right?" She saids

"Yes i am and will you..please get off of me?" Flora told Pinkie

"Oh sorry my bad" Pinkie apologize as she got off of her

"Anyways nice to meet you Pinkie Pie, my name is Flora Heart but you can call me Flora or Flo" Flora introduced herself as she shakes Pinkie's hoove

"So do you visit Ponyville more often?" Pinkie asked

"Not really, the last time i was here it was when i was a little filly" Flora told her

"Why did you come back though?" Pinkie asked her another question

"Well i wanted to meet Princess Twilight and ask if she can accept my request" Flora explained to Pinkie

Suddenly Pinkie grabs Flora's hooves and runs to a castle

"HERE WE ARE! TWILIGHTS CASTLE!" Pinkie shouts happily at Flora

"Oh thank you" Flora thanked her

As Pinkie open the door and goes to find Twilight

~Few minutes of finding~

Pinkie leads Flora where Twilight is as they saw Twilight doing some science stuff

"TWILIGHT!!!" Pinkie screams

Twilight jumps and flies over to Pinkie with a mad face

"Pinkie?! Didnt i told you not to scream whenever im close to you!" Twilight scolds her

"Hehe.. sorry Twi" Pinkie apologizes

"Its fine anyways whos this?" Twilight asked Pinkie as she saw Flora

"Twilight, this is Flora Heart she wants to ask a request from you so i brought her here! I need to go and bake cakes first! Ill see you later!" Pinkie said as she quickly left

"Your majesty" Flora says as she bows down to her

"Oh no need to bow down Flora and just call me Twilight" Twilight saids as she gave her a warming smile

"Hehe ok Twilight anyways i wanted to ask a request if your able to accept it" Flora said

"Sure! Whats your request?" Twilight asked

"I wanted to become your student and be teach by you!" Flora says excitedly


"Thank you so much Twilight for accepting my request!" Flora thanked her

"Its no problem" Twilight said

~Time Skip~

Flora's POV

Today is my first day for my studies with the princess

Im so excited!

I walked out of my home and goes to Twilight's castle

I entered in the library and didnt expect to have more company

"Hey Twi whos this?" Rainbow Dash asked her

"Thats my new student Flora Heart, Come here Flora meet everypony" Twilight said

As i go closer to them i saw one pony has a displeasing look and kinda glaring at me

~Time Skip From Introducing~

Everypony are so nice to me except for this pony that has purple mane she has been looking at me displease that im here

"Ok everypony look at this mirror" Twilight said as we approach a mirror

We saw lots of dimensional places

"What is this Twilight?" Apple Jack asked

"This is a portal! It travels you to different dimension" Twilight explained

As Twilight explains everything about it everypony decides to go home it was only Me,Twilight and the pony who hates me

"Im gonna go take a nap guys" Twilight saids as she left the rom

"Why are you here?" The pony from behind me asked

"Im here cause i am now a student of Twilight" i said

"Who are you anyways?" I asked her

"My name is Starlight and i should only be the only pony that Twilight has to teach" she said angerly

The argue continues then she uses her magic to open the portal that was behind me

"Thats it! Im tired of you talking its time to say goodbye!" She pushed me in the portal and everything went black

Narrator's POV

Flora was thrown in the portal by Starlight

Flora starts to wake up and saw that her surroundings are trees

"Ugh what happened?" She asked herself

Then she heard some hoofsteps coming towards her

She was terrified

She covers her head and cries out to leave her alone

"Are you ok miss?" ??? Said

Flora slowly opens her eyes and she cant believe what shes seeing

Welp thats all i can write

This chapter has the details of what happened next chapter will be Flora meeting Butterscotch

Anyways i hope you like it!

Flora x Butterscotch Where stories live. Discover now