Going back?

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Flora's POV

Flora: Going home?

Twilight: To ponyville silly, this world is just a opposite gender so you can't stay here

Then suddenly I got sad because I had to leave Butterscotch

Flora: Princess... I don't plan on going back there

Then suddenly a pony walk beside her and my eyes widen cause its the colt me

Florex: Hey there so you must be the mare version of me, I'm Florex and I also want to talk to you

Then Fluttershy stand beside him

We all went inside then Butterscotch sat beside me

Florex: Flora, if you want to stay here we can switch places

Flora: Wait, are you serious??

Florex: Yes I am, you and me fell in love with the opposite gender of them so I want to stay in your world and you can stay here

After a long discussion we made our decision that we switch places

After we say our goodbyes Butterscotch hugged me very tight

Flora: Babe, too...tight

Butterscotch: *let's go of her while crying* i-i thought I won't be seeing you again

Flora: Butterscotch, don't cry I'll always stay by your side remember that ok I love you so much *kisses him to stop him from crying*

Butterscotch: *kisses back and pulls away* thank you for staying, I love you too so much

We then head upstairs to our bedroom after I sing a song then he fell asleep

I slowly close my eyes and slept beside him peacefully beside him

Its not good I know but I'm trying my best to write cause I've been pretty busy a lot lately anyways I hope you like it and enjoy reading the story

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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