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Annabeth stood next to Piper, peering over the edge of the Argo II as they came in to land. She mused.

What if he...

"Raise the white flag!" Leo interrupted.

How would she...

"Man your stations!" Leo cried.

"Leo. Shut up." Annabeth tried to sound angry and failed, she was too nervous.

"I'm just doing my duty." He replied, clearly insulted.

"Yeah," Piper scoffed, "as Repair Boy."

"That'll shut Leo up." She told

Annabeth, who was off with the tree nymphs again.

"Worrying about your boyfriend, Percy Jackson again?" Piper's voice jerked her back to reality.

Annabeth nodded.

"Love is more powerful than you think; just ask my mum, she'd tell you to just trust him." Piper smirked; her mother was Aphrodite, goddess of love.

"He lost his memory, what if he forgets? What if there's someone else? Neither of us ever plucked up the courage to say 'I love you.'"

Piper laughed. Her laugh was so contagious, Annabeth had to join her.

She's charmspeaking you, Annabeth realised, she'd almost felt calm because of it... almost.

"I can't believe you, you're the bravest person I've ever met. You're fought to the death, led armies and you're scared to share your feelings!" Piper grinned at her.

Annabeth smiled half-heartedly and re-entered her world of anxiousness, before she knew it, the Argo II had landed. She quit breathing.


Her brain went haywire. Annabeth caught herself stressing over stupid things like how she looked and if she'd showered. She knew she couldn't carry on without Percy; just the eight months away from him killed her.

She followed her friends off the ship and scanned the sea of faces for the familiar handsome face of her boyfriend. She saw people being pushed aside with apologies in hot pursuit.

Then she saw him, those gorgeous sea-green eyes that made her go weak at the knees.

He'd grown taller

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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