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He tripped, dropping me on the ground. I was still pretending to be out cold and he played along, sitting me up against the concrete wall. I opened my eyes a bit to peek at him and found him grinning down at me. With eyes as bright as the morning sun, hair still curly from his recent shower and gaze intent on me, he made me fall deeper. Deeper than before.  

He touched my cheek and he caressed it then tucked my hair behind my ears.  

"Come on, beauty. Wake up!" He knew I wouldn't give up. Not that easily.  

He chuckled.  

"Come now, beauty. Wake up before the evil witch gets us." 

No, not that afraid of her.  

"Wait. If you're Sleeping Beauty and she's Maleficent, does that make me the prince, Phillip?"  

I tried to stop myself from laughing but I think he saw my lips twitching.  

Damn it, I knew he secretly liked that movie.  

"You know how the prince wakes up the damsel in distress, Beauty. Don't make me kiss you!" 

I did not budge.  

It did not make me feel like giving up. Instead, it gave my butterflies a rush. A rush I could not afford  

"Come on, princess!" 


"Okay! You asked for it!" 

He wasn't even barely finished uttering that sentence before I felt it. 

A quick peck against my arched and exposed shoulder.  

"Beauty! Wake up! You made me steal your first shoulder kiss!" 

He was laughing.  

How can he?  

Well, that may be because he never felt the same way.  

His head dropped against my neck as he struggled to stop laughing. It made me just feel his warm breath against my hypersensitised skin.  

His breath warm against me, sent chills up my spine.  

I couldn't even ask him why it's funny while I'm struggling to breathe again.  

I deepened my breathing when I felt it.  

Another kiss.  

This one higher; to where my shoulder met my neck.  

He moved higher and kissed my ear before he whispered. 

"If that's what it takes. I'll do anything so you'll wake up and stay with me here in the real world." Then he kissed my jaw tenderly. This time, my mouth opened in a gasp.  

It was just a joke, a game for him. But along the way, something changed. The air was more charged now with anticipation and our connection.  

He dropped another tender kiss on my cheek.  

I couldn't help but grip him on the arms that never failed to protect and cherish me.  

He moved closer, his hand tunnelling in my hair and the other around my waist, to grip and pull me closer to his waiting embrace.  

His lips touched the corner of mine. 

A little longer.  

A little sweeter.  

Then sparks flew as his soft and tender lips finally touched mine, waking me up and making me feel 




He pulled me closer as he slowly kissed me. Years of enforcing a line, wasted. In a span of seconds, we destroyed it.  

I don't care.  

I am finally alive and this... this... 

is inexplicably right.  

With every distance bridged between our bodies, the more connected we become. I sat up and my hands snaked their way to pull his face closer and he gripped my waist tighter. We were inseparable.  

With every kiss we share and every touch that connects our skin, I felt charged.  

My heart... beating loud. Louder than last night's fireworks show.  

I couldn't stop myself from tunneling my hand through his dark and silky curls. I've been too curious for too long and it did not disappoint. I gripped him tighter. My desire for contact, making us lose our balance, landing me on top of him. Still we did not stop kissing.  

How can we when all we can think of us our attraction? 

His hands started moving, gravity pulling us closer together.  

He gripped my leg and waist and then suddenly, I was below him. I gasped and he tore his lips from mine. He tightened his hold on my hair and waist, urging me to arch my back to his touch. He was now taken with kissing my cheek, jaw, neck, collarbone then back. Each touch was gentle.  


It was perfect and it made my blood heat up. It was like there were sparks even underneath my veins.  

Right now, we're not just friends. He's not just him and I'm not just me. We were one.  


He kissed me one last time and I felt his smile on mine. 

"Are you here now with me, my Sleeping Beauty?" He sat up and pulled me with him. My eyes opened and were immediately locked upon his bright and smiling ones. 

"I'm with you, my prince. As always and I won't change a thing." He grinned but a sudden though struck me, reminding me not to hope too much.  

"But... will you? Change anything?" I watched as his grin slowly disappeared.  

A sudden coldness raced through me.  


No... please... 

Don't destroy us... 

I wanted to avert my gaze but I can't. I am too deep under now.  

His hand lifted and landed in my cheek, which he slowly stroked. 

His eyes, as brilliant and bright as they were, held me captivated.  

"Being just friends won't work out anymore. I love you too much. Tell me you feel the same and I won't ever let you go." I felt a tear roll down my cheek and he wiped it away. And with just one whisper, he was mine and we were one.  

"I've always loved you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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