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"Don't love someone who can never be yours because it's a promise of pain for eternity".



On Elena's fourth birthday, her dad gave her beautiful doll house with the new doll in it to her. She loved it. There was a living room, bedroom, kitchen and small balcony in it. She named her new doll princess like her dad calls her. She was really happy, sitting in her room and staring at the beautiful gift. Then she noticed that the princess was alone in the house, it has no family. Elena never liked being alone. She hated it when her parents go anywhere without her. She love living with her family and her twin brother Eric. He's her best friend and she plays with him a lot. The thought that her princess has no one to live with made her mad. She got up and ran outside to find her mom. But on the way, she collided with someone and fell down.

She looked up and found a boy getting up from the floor. He turned to her when he was on his feet. She glared at him and rubbed her elbow to get rid of the pain.

"Are you fine? I'm sorry for making you fall, Princess". He said.

"Only my dad and my brothers call me, Princess" She snapped at him, putting her hands on her waist.

He smiled at her and picked up the gift box from the ground then put it on the gift table.

"I didn't know that. I thought it's your name". He said with the frown.

"It is my name". She said, looking at him with her chin up.

He raised his eyebrows with the smile on his face then pulled out the chocolates from his pocket.

"Your brother told me you like chocolates" He said offering some.

She didn't take it but they were her favorite chocolates, Hershey's kisses.

"This is your gift, sorry I ate few" He said smiling again.

She snatched the chocolates from his hand.

"Happy Birthday, Princess". He said.

She gave him an annoyed look when he called her 'princess' again then ran to her mom.

"Mommy, my princess is alone in the doll house. Why she doesn't have family?" She asked to her mom, innocently.

Her granddad and grandmother smiled at Elena. Her mom kneeled down smiling at the question of her daughter.

"Elena, baby, she will find her prince someday then she won't be alone. She will have her own family like we have". Her mom said and kissed her head.

Suddenly, her mom's eyes landed on the chocolates in her hand and she frowned.

"Who gave you these chocolates?" Her mom asked.

"My prince" She said and ran back inside the house before her mom could stop her from eating her favorite chocolates.

"My prince" She said and ran back inside the house before her mom could stop her from eating her favorite chocolates

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I'm Elena Edwards, the only daughter of Chase Edwards. He is a well-known business man, running thousands of companies around the world and earning more than enough to provide me everything that I want. I have three over protective brothers, Noah Edwards, Brandon Edwards and Eric Edwards. Noah Edwards is a very famous Football player and it makes him a celebrity. Brandon Edwards is a renowned businessman, running Edwards Company with my dad. Eric Edwards is my twin brother, he's a notorious playboy and you'll find his picture on the cover page of every magazine with the new girl every week.

All of them love me and still treats me like a baby. My mom Hailey Edwards is the sweetest person in this world. She works with different social organizations for the kids that get bullies and help them to grow in the strong person like her. I love what she does and wants to be like her someday.

I love how my family is popular but it has some disadvantages. The media follows us and make me appear like one of the celebrity when I'm just a simple nineteen years old girl. I live with my parents because I love them. My brother and I study in Lesley University. I'm studying Photography and Eric is studying Fine Arts. I've two best friends Sharon and Anna. I work in Larson's studio as an assistant photographer and I have my own car. I love to skip my healthy diet plan because staying in a shape is easier than stopping myself from eating pizza. This is how simple and unadventurous my life is and I am no celebrity.

I have dreams like getting married and having a beautiful family with the love of my life who is still somewhere out in the world unfound.

But I'm a happy girl, growing around a loving family and living my life better than my own expectations.

That's what I thought until he came back in my life and changed everything.

That's what I thought until he came back in my life and changed everything

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Hello lovelies,

Firstly, I missed you all so much!

Secondly, this book is going to be a lot different than my two other books. This one is going to be steamy, romantic, less mysterious and full of frustration. (Yes you read this right, it's frustration. You'll know what I'm talking about when you read the book).

Thirdly, I hope you all enjoy reading about Elena and Jake journey of finding love.

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Thank you so much for loving my books and supporting me.💋💋

S.G. Sonysa ❤❤

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