I hate him

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"Oh hey. I'm sorry I bumped into you." A shy girl with beautiful green eyes was starring at me.

"No no it's okay.I'm sorry I wouldn't mind talking to you, but I have to get to class," I said smiling at the girl and passing her by.

"Oh! By the way I'm Bailey," I said turning back to look at her.

"Megan," she answered smiling back at me.

"Nice to meet you. See ya Megan," I said and ran out of the cafeteria.

I kind of lied to Matt as I didn't have class for 20 more minutes, but I just couldn't bear talking about Damon...He's just so...so...ugh I can't even find words to describe him...

I ran out of the university to get some fresh air. I wanted to forget about Damon and about how mad I get when people talk about him. Well, I would love for my plan to work, but when I walked out of the university I saw Damon and his new girlfriend kissing lying on his car. That's so disrespectful...towards the car.

The time has come and I had to get to my class of Music&Literature. I entered the classroom, put my bag on one of the seats and started waiting for the professor to come.

The professor came and the class started. As it was the first class, he was talking about the syllabus and his grading system.

The door opens and 20 minutes after the beginning of the class enters a very "important" creature for our planet. Damon Bennet.

"I'm sorry professor. I had something important to take care of," he said by trying to put an innocent smile on his face.

First of all what? Damon?In my class? Oh come on! Why?

And second of all an important thing? So, it's not enough that he names the girl a "thing", but he also considers her important enough to be late for class?

"That's okay. You can sit down."

Okay? Mr. Arthur why are you so kind?

Damon sat down and the professor continued the class.

I didn't pay attention to him throughout the whole class and surprisingly he didn't do anything to interrupt the class. After reading the syllabus, talking about the assignments of the course, and the grading scale the class ended, so, now I had to go home by myself coz' I want to give Matt a little bit of freedom. I took my bag from the chair when somebody bumped into me.

"Sorry. Not sorry," said Damon when my bag fell on the floor.

"Pick it up."

"What?" He said with a mocking laugh.

"If you have a problem with hearing I think you shouldn't have chosen MUSIC&literature. I said pick it up."

"Listen Smarty, I'm not the one to pick something up. I just throw it and people pick it up for me. Got it?"

"Now you listen StupidY, I don't care what you do. Pick it up NOW." I wanted to high five him...with a chair...on the face sooooo badly.

"Or what angel?"

"I'm not an angel, you demon. And to answer your question or else the professor will know what "important thing" you had to take care of."

"Do you think he cares about that angel?" He got serious and that scared me.

"Oh yeah I do. Pick up my bag demon."

"Nope. Not happening," he confidently prounced those three words and walked away.

God please give me strength not to kill him. I can't go to jail. I have plans for the future. But then again how can I not get mad? It drives me crazy.

He's always been like this...Always...And that's why I hate him...I hate him with all of my heart.

I tried calming myself down on the way home. When I got home I felt so tired, it's not like I've done a lot today. It's just that I was emotionally tired because of that idiotic devil. I feel like he's the son of Cruella Deville. I think that's a possible option. If I ever speak to him again, I should ask him about that.

I decided to sleep for an hour or two. Just when I was about to close my eyes and go deep into the world of dreams and happiness, my mother shouted my name.

"What's up mom? Did anything happen?"

"Not yet darling,but if you don't come down dressed in 15 minutes something will surely happen."

Dressed?In 15 minutes?OMG!OMG!I forgot that today Mom had a business meeting and I had to go with her. My Dad was out of country and that's why my Mom asked me to go with her to the dinner and I couldn't be happier, note my sarcasm.

I put on a dark blue dress that my mother picked for me. It was ending a little bit above the knee. I had blue high heels on. I gathered my wavy brown hair into a bun and stick silver flowers to the elastic. I put a flower ring that my father gave me as a present on my 16th birthday and I was ready to "party".

The building where the meeting was going to take place has 20 floors and the meeting was on the 15th. As all of the normal people we decided to take the elevator. I was preparing a sincere smile for meeting the people when the elevator opens, but when it opened I didn't smile.

Because I saw HIM.

Hey buddies 👋🏻 How are you? Did you like this chapter? I really hope you did😃 Please like and comment coz' you motivate me so much by doing that❤️ If I get more likes&comments I'll upload sooner😃

I just opened a new account where I'll post news about my next book and schedule😄❤️
Follow me on Instagram @loveorrunaway_wattpad
Published on 27.01.18

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