Moonlight Latte (Zanemau//FCU)

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Suggested by: @fangirlbg 

Authors Note: This is before Garroth asked Aphmau out/confessed to her. Enjoy~

Aphmau yawned as she walked into the campus cafe. She had just finished her last class of the day which just so happened to end at 11:00 pm.  Lucky her. Her day started off pretty early too, with her first class starting at 7:00 pm, so she was way more tired then she normally was. She just wanted to grab a coffee before heading back to her dorm room to study that day's notes. 

Zane groaned as he heard the bell ring, signalling that someone was coming in through the door. 

"We're closed..." He grumbled sleepily. He had taken a later shift that night for reasons his sleep-deprived state didn't allow him to remember. He just wanted to finish closing up and go back to his room already.  

"Oh come on!" snapped Aphmau. "I haven't had a proper nights sleep in weeks and all I want is a stupid coffee!"

 Zane groaned and tossed the cloth he had been using to clean the tables down. 

"Fineee." He groaned again, anything to get this crazy lady out of here. He walked over to the counter and stood behind it. They were both silent for a moment. 

"What is it you want anyway?" asked Zane after a good thirty seconds of awkward silence.  

Aphmau immediately felt bad for snapping at Zane. He looked as tired as she did. The eyeliner he wore around his visible eye was smudged. His hair was sort of messy and his bloodshot eyes had bags under them. A thought crossed Aphmaus mind and she decided to go with it. 

"Can I get two medium lattes, please?" she asked.

"Whatever..." mumbled Zane to tired to care. "Anything else?"

"Nope." she said, shaking her head.

"Will that be all?" Zane asked eager to leave already.

Aphmau nodded her head and Zane rung up her total. Aphmau paid and walked to the other end of the counter to wait for her coffee.

Zane placed two cups of coffee on the counter and Aphmau took them.

"Thanks!" she said as she walked out of the cafe.

Zane went back to closing up and sighed. He took off his apron and pulled on his rucksack before walking out the door. 

Instead of the normal dark and deserted campus he was normally greeted by, Zane saw a small girl standing in front of the cafe. 

 "Hey." said Aphmau smiling. "I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier."

Zane stood there, unable to figure out what to say or what was even going on.

Aphmau held one of the coffees she had bought in front of Zane. 

"I got you coffee..." she said quietly.

"Why...?" was the only thing Zane managed to choke out. He was totally thrown off guard by the kind gesture. No one really liked him.....

"Well..." said Aphmau before letting out a sigh. "I guess I've been sort of stressed lately and well, it was wrong of me to take it out on you. I know we've never really gotten along before but-" 

  Aphmau was cut off by Zane taking the coffee out of her hand.

"If it means I get free coffee then I really don't care." He said attempting to hide the fact he was really touched by Aphmaus invitation. 

Aphmaus face lit up. Zane followed her as the duo sat down at one of the park benches that were scattered across campus.

Zane took a sip of the coffee Aphmau had gotten him. It had cooled in the short time that Aphmau had waited outside the store for him so it was the perfect temperature.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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