Never been kissed!

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Livvy heart is the most headstrong , brave & badass to roam the world
But apparently that's not all there us to it . When word gets out that livvy's never been kissed all hell breaks loose ! Let's see what is in store for the badass thats never been kissed!

Livvy's POV*

Ahhhhhhhhhh! Caitlyn u bitch I'm going to f*cking KILL U! - ok so u are all probably wondering why I was screaming at my bitch of a stepsister who I love verrry dearly plz dear god note the sarcasm- anyway it all started when my LOVELY step sister had let what she heard me discussing with my mum about slip to almost every damn cheerleader in our school.Yeah yeah I know I'm killing u with curiosity -ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat- anyway what I was saying to her was the fact that I've never been kissed at 17 shocker I know right anyway the little spawn of satan went and blabbed her mouth to the cheerleaders.

Hey guys so I just wanted to say I really need u to comment so that I know if I should carry in with this book Thx this means alot:)

Caitlin POV*

48 hours ago

"I know, I know MOM BE QUIET AND LET ME FINISH! huh thank you anyway I did not say that I was upset cause I didn't lose my virginity I said I was upset that I hadn't had my first kiss and I'm already seventeen!" It was obvious that this was between mum and Livvy but I'll be damned if I don't listen in I mean come on it's not every day that u get dirt on your OLDER sister it's usually the other way round i mean she has an advantage those god awful baby picture and videos don't get me started about how she finds out all of this it's driving me insane I live under the same roof as her and yet I still have no idea neither does mum !

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