My Family

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It was family day in the kindergarten class and everyone was excited, but none were as excited as little Kyoshi. The poor kid was practically bouncing off his seat. He couldn't wait to tell all the kids and parents present what his parents did for a living.

Then finally, after listening to all the other boring jobs, or to him at least seeing how all the other kids were very excited at hearing one of the kids talk about his father who was an astronaut, it was his turn.

He ran up to the front and turned to the crowd before him with a grin and began his little speech.

"Hello my name is Hibari Kyoshi and my parents," here he pointed to the back was the two parents stood. One had long curly brown hair, big brown eyes and a gentle, innocent smile on her face while the other had black hair, cold dark eyes and a blank yet threatening expression. "Are Sawada Tsunahime and Hibari Kyoya." Here he lowered his hand and smiled at his parents who returned the gesture. Except that Hibari smirked instead.

As soon as his parents responded he went on "Their job is the coolest in the entire world. Mommy" here he pointed at Tsuna "Is the tenth generation mafia boss of the Vongola Famiglia" and then he pointed to Hibari "and Daddy is her guardian and strongest fighter."

Here everyone was staring at him as if he had grown a second head and some of the parents, near the two, had backed away from them. But just a little. Like about as far as the classroom would allow them to be from the two. Though Tsuna continued smiling as if her son hadn't just told a classroom full of kids and parents that she was a mafia boss while Hibari, well he just glared at everyone who was staring at either his son or Tsuna.

Still, little Kyoshi continued as if none of this were happening just like his mommy. "And when I grow up I will inherit the name of the Vongola boss and become the Vongola Undicesimo"

Here his bright smile disappeared and he glared a glare that made his father, who was now smirking at the children and a few of the adults who were shivering in fear, proud.

"And if anyone has any problems with this I'll bite you to death." Dead silence except for Tsuna who was laughing as silently as she could at how much Kyoshi resembled his father. "Well?" Here everyone shook their heads 'no' and then his bright smile returned. "Well, that's about it." He turned to the teacher with a smile.

The teacher, who was trembling from the glare he received from Hibari for staring at his son, nodded slowly "Y-Yes. Well um, thank you Kyoshi-kun"

Kyoshi made his way back to his seat with a big smile on his face while Tsuna clapped enthusiastically for her son and Hibari looked on in approval. The rest of the class was silent and just stared at the two parents to the child and then back.

The teacher cleared his throat trying in an attempt to get rid of the tense atmosphere. Too bad it didn't work so he just continued. "N-Next we have Haruhi-chan." The little girl went up and so the day continued on with the same tense atmosphere in the class which didn't seem to affect the two Vongola or their son, which was very awkward for everyone else.

Let's just say that neither Tsuna nor Hibari was allowed in the classroom anymore. Actually, they weren't allowed within a 200-yard radius of the school. But, that didn't bother them, at least they knew that little Kyoshi wouldn't have to go through what poor Tsuna had to suffer in school and that was good enough for them.

Hibari Kyoshi's Family DayWhere stories live. Discover now