Saturday, January 27, 20xx
This is my coup d'etat.
Why is the world so unfair?
Drunk in the hierarchy that defines ourselves.
Jailed in the world that you need to fit in.
Unending proving of self that you're worthy.
Where the kind is abused most.
Where the good-looking is praised most.
Where the smartest is respected most.
Where the poor is judged most.
Where the rich intimidates most.
Where the higher-place person terrifies most.
Why don't we get tired?
Why can't we just focus on improving ouselves to be better?
Why can't we realize the society's flaws?
Why can't we embrace who we really are?
It's not about the race you belong.
It's not about the color of your skin.
It's not about your age to know if you've matured.
It's not about you gender to lead.
It's all about, how you value yourself.
It's all about embracing yourself.
Because everything starts within.
Start it, and let everyone follow.