"Viktoria!",Ryley shouted."Ryley!",Viktoria shouted as they ran to greet each other."It's been. so long since we've seen each other",they both said as they took their backpacks to their class. They were having a great day until they saw people crowded around something."What do you think is going on over there?",Ryley asked Viktoria."Probably just trouble.",Viktoria said. All of a sudden Viktoria and Ryley were knocked out by a cute plushie."AHHH", they both said at the same time.
When Viktoria and Ryley got up, they were curios about what they had been pushed by."Hello. My name is Candi. I'm sorry for bumping into you. I need to find some people named Viktoria and Ryley. Know anyone by those names?",Candi said as she looked at them thoughtfully."U-m tho-se are our na-mes.", Ryley and Viktoria stammered."Well.....what do you want from us?", they continued.Candi was to busy doing something."Candi! What are you doing?",Ryley asked Candi."Making a portal",Candi said as a bright purple portal swirled through the yard. Ryley and Viktoria were getting sucked in the portal!"What should we do. We are 4th graders. We have to be in class!",They both yelled as they held onto each for dear life."Pfff don't worry they aren't going to notice you guys missing", Candi shouted. All of a sudden they were in a rainbow tunnel that looked like it was from a fairy tale. As they screamed, Viktoria and Ryley were holding onto each other for dear life.
Two Best Friends
FantasyTwo best friends,Viktoria and Ryley, meet each other in 3rd grade. Ryley and Viktoria have been friends for as long as they can remember. When they go to 4th grade, they handle drama together.Life is going smooth for them until they meet a magical c...