The twisted truth

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I wake up with my hands tied. My eyes adjust to the darkness and I realize it's a basement. I try moving around but my body feels like it's plastered to the ground.

A door opens and I hear footsteps descending. I mentally prepare myself for whatever fate that comes.

A small light is turned on and I squinted at the brightness however, the effect of the light wasn't what made me gasp I'm horror. It was the person before me.

I feel my throat go dry and my eyes sting. "Oh.My.God."

He smiles a crooked evil smile and leans down to me. I sink further into the corner and turn my face away.

"Hello sunshine", he said as he grabbed my face between his thumb and forefinger forcing me to face him. Taking out a knife he stabbed it straight into my left thigh.

"Gaaaahhhh!!!!", I screamed at the pain and hot tears fell down my cheeks.

"You ruined my life!! You and that bastard brother of yours", venom seeped into his voice as he spat out his words.

"What...w-what are y-you talking ab-about?", I choked out in pain.

"Oh so you don't remember?... well then, let me tell you a story", he said grinning from ear to ear at my agony

"Once upon a time, there was a good man and his wife... they lived a happy life together but then one day the man made a mistake", he paused for a while then continued, "he'd had an affair and out of that affair came a child... a boy", he said as he looked at me.

"Damien", I whispered to myself.

"Yes! My bastard child Damien", he said (to be more accurate he spat the words out).

"When I went back to her, she was married to your father. I tried to persuade her to come back to me", said as he looked at me with disgust he knelt by me and pushed his hand into my wound. I squirmed in pain and tried to push him off but the more I tried, the more he pressed.

"And do you know what she told me?"

I nodded vigorously.

"She said she couldn't because she loved you father and the two of you... she said you were her family", he spat angrily.

" it's not" pant " not my fault " pant "that she chose us over you" pant "some things happen for reasons we don't know why" pant "don't blame someone else for your misfortune", I said.

"Oh but I can", he said bitterly, "if you hadn't been born, she'd have come back to me"

"You can't force someone to love you" pant "loving isn't your head's job" pant "it's your heart's", I said.

"I killed your father and thought it was enough to get her back but she stayed because of you and your brother, if she hadn't been trying to protect you that night... I wouldn't have shot her!!", shouted at me.

"You won't get away with this", I said

"So full of hope", he said leaning closer till he was inches away, "hope is what makes you weak"

And just like that he got up, walked up the stairs and shut the door. Leaving me in the dimly lit room bleeding to death.

I cried as I sat there with my hands tied. I was helpless, alone and I was going to die. For the first time in my life... I felt like what he said was right.

Hope is what makes you weak.

The words rang in my head and I felt the pain in my thigh. The door opened again but the footsteps were more hurried as they descended.

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