First days and heart breaks

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Chapter 2: First days and heart breaks

I wake up instantly hearing my alarm clock playing imagine dragons. I press snooze and drift back off to sleep.

I wake up about what I assume to be 20 minutes later from Addie's honking outside my window. I get up almost tripping over my sheets and make my way to my window.

"What is taking you so long? We're gonna be late, get out here" Addie's eyes widen realizing what I'm wearing.

"Just go without me I'm not gonna be ready for another 20 minutes" I say shooing them away.

Addie lets out a sigh and drives off adding " I wouldn't leave you here but I have Ms Armstrong first period" she says feeling guilty.

"It's fine, I have nothing important this morning go ahead" I say closing the window sending them one last wave goodbye. I take a quick shower and dress in my uniform which consists of a grey and red plad skirt with a white dress shirt that has our school logo stitched on the left. I grabbed my bag and phone and started walking to school. It was currently 8:00 and the walk from my house to school is about 10 minutes.

Once I get to school my hair is slightly wet since it started drizzling outside. I ran to my locker and grabbed all the books that were necessary for my biology class. I looked down making sure they were all there but before I could look up I came into contact with someone's chest. I looked up and saw those blue eyes once again. Those eyes seemed to wonder around distracted until falling upon me. What was his name again? Ryker, right. What am I saying, his name hasn't left my mind since I saw those eyes yesterday.

"Oh hey ginger" Ryker said looking down at me.

"Um hey" I said giving him an awkward wave.

"You late too?" He says leaning on a random locker.

"Yes but the difference between us is I'm not gonna be any later since this will actually appear on my permanent record" I say with a slight pinch of attitude.

"Woah princess someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" he says standing up straight.

"Whatever I gotta go" I say brushing his comment off and adding. "Oh and welcome to Gray" I say with a slight smile. I walk off to biology feeling his eyes burning wholes in my back.


"Blah blah subatomic particles... Blah blah blah" I hear Mr. Cooley yap on about crap I probably already know. I'm that kinda girl that doesn't listen just reads from the book. I ace all the exams and that's why all my teachers hate me. But I couldn't give less of a crap since they can't do anything to me unless telling my parents counts which it doesn't since they won't do shit about it.

They're to 'in love' with each other to even begin to consider me and I'm fine with that. I get away with anything wrong I do. I could murder someone and they'd still be gooey eyeing each other.

I pulled out of my reverie when there's a knock on the classroom door. Mr. Cooley opens the door and there stands Ryker. All eyes shoot to the door and I roll my eyes as the entire female population swoons over Ryker's features. Talk about gooey eyeing.

"Hi, I'm uh Ryker Spence" he says as he scratches the back of his neck which makes all the girls weaken at his presence.

"Yes, yes come in" Mr. Cooley says as he wracks his eyes over the classroom to, I assume, find him a seat. His eyes settle on me and my eyes widen. No please no. Not today. "Mr. Spence please take the seat right next to Ms. Parker, will you?" He nods and makes his way over to me. He nods at me and I smile my fake smile. Mr. Cooley gets back to his palpitating lesson and I go back to ignoring the whole damn world when I feel someone kick my foot. I turned to my right, annoyed, knowing immediately who it was.

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