Chapter 6: The Book Part 1

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"Alex! have you seen Oscar?!" Kara was running around the apartment looking for Lena's cat, ever since Lena started working back in the city Kara has been visiting her almost every weekend, this time Lena had given Kara the responsibility over Oscar for the week as Lena has been very busy, and Kara couldn't disappoint her so she did her best to take care of him. except that now she can't seem to find him...

"Here" Alex says as she walks over to Kara, handing her the cat.

"Oh thank Rao, you're a life saver Alex" The DEO agent simply smiles at her sister who was trying to get the cat to co-operate.

"You heading out to see Lena?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, just gonna grab my laptop and ill be out" Alex nods at Kara before leaving to make herself some breakfast.

A few moments later Kara was out of the house and on her way to the city, driving with the windows rolled down and nothing but the sound of the fresh breeze running through her hair, she loved the drive to the city, even if it took about an hour and a half to get there. she didn't mind, she'd do anything just to go see Lena, even if it was only for a short few hours.

About an hour later Kara reaches Lena's office, getting out of the car and grabbing Oscar with her, she walks into the building to be met with Lena's secretary.

"Ahh, Kara. here to see Lena I assume?" Jess says smiling at her.

"Yup, is she busy?" The secretary shakes her head "nope, she's actually expecting you, so head on up"

Kara gives her thanks as she makes her way up to Lena's office.

"Kara! you're here" Lena gets up and walks around her desk over to Kara, giving her a big hug.

"of course, and I brought Oscar with me" Kara says as she hands him over to Lena.

Kara, as usual, sat down on the chair infront of Lena's desk and pulled out her laptop, typing out another draft.

"Any new ideas?" Lena asks her friend.

"unfortunately, no, just a bunch of drafts" Kara sighs as she adjusts her glasses.

"Well I still think you should pursue being a writer" The luthor encourages her.

"I really want to, but I can't come up with something worthy enough of being published" Kara places her hands on her face, groaning.

"I know! maybe you should use your undying highschool crush as the base idea for your new romance novel" Lena says dramatically giving Kara a knowing smirk.

"You know, that's actually not a bad idea.." Kara says to herself, tapping her pencil on the desk.

"I gotta go, thanks for the pep talk" Kara quickly packs her things and then heads off home, the whole car ride back she was thinking about what Lena had told her to write about, and once she gets home that's exactly what she's going to do.

3 hours later, Kara's back home, in her pj's and writing up that novel. Ideas were flooding out of her head, she was inspired, after spending so much time with Lena.

All afternoon, Kara was writing. Alex would occasionally pop in to check in on her or hand her a cup of coffee, but Kara was hard at work, she refused to sleep until her masterpiece was finished. but it wasn't until 3 in the morning that she had actually finished writing it.

Alex walked in on Kara, who had fallen asleep at her desk. Alex sighed and walked over, seeing that the computer was still on, she realized that Kara had been up all night.

"Kara? Kara!" Alex nudged her which caused Kara to jump awake.

"Huh? What? Did I miss anything?" the blonde opens her eyes, trying to stay conscious.

"no silly, you fell asleep writing, I came in and saw you laying here with your computer open, I also realized that you hadn't hit send on whatever email you were sending so I did it for you" The DEO agent said as she leaned against the wall.

"Email..?" Kara says confused, before quickly realizing what Alex was talking about. "oh no no no!" She says as she goes through her sent mail.

"What is it?!" Alex walks over next to her sister "Alex! that email was supposed to be a draft! now look what you've done" Kara paces around nervously.

"What do you mean 'what ive done'?" Alex asks.

"You sent my book to national city's biggest publishing company!" Alex makes an 'oops' expression before going over to Kara to try and calm her down.

"its alright, don't worry about it, if they call to ask about it you can just say it was a mistake"

"You don't get it Alex! there are so many details in the book that can make anyone from our school figure out who the main character is in love with! oh rao if Lena gets ahold of the book-"

"Calm down! its going to be okay, I promise, look I'm sorry about sending that email but I thought I was helping you"

"Its okay, you didn't know" Kara sighs and sits down, Alex beside her. "We'll figure this out okay? I promise"

Kara nodded before dozing back to sleep, still completely tired from staying up practically all night writing.


Don't forget to comment! feedback is greatly appreciated!
(this chapter is pretty crappy cuz I wrote it at 2 AM... I promise the next one will be better)


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