Chapter 18 part 2- In Case of Boredom, Run For Your Life

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          “Why am I so bored,” I all but shrieked, sitting up. I pushed myself off my bed and walked over to a pile of papers. I spent only a moment shuffling them back into the neat stack that they were already in. My body was fumbling, trying to keep occupied; trying to keep calm, knowing that the demon doe was somewhere, plotting something. My right hand raked my hair, letting out a deep breath as my fingers used my strands like guide ropes to the ends of my hair.

          “Why can’t you just come home already?” I whispered.  I pinched the bridge of my nose but continued to speak like someone was in the room. “It’s not that I miss you, it’s just that there’s something out there. Something’s coming. I don’t know what’s in store but it’s going to come like a huge wave breaking down the pier we stand on. When is the tsunami going to hit? After the piers broken?”

          “Mia?” I heard someone call from behind me. I spun around and saw Chloe standing at the doorway. Her red plaid shirt seemed to ignite the orange in her hair. Her dark jeans and light brown leather boots seemed to mix well with the weather. She stood with her heels slightly pointed outward and her fingers laced together in front of her.

          “Hi,” I responded. “How long have you been standing there?”

          “Not long, I just opened the door.”

          “Oh, what’s up?”

          “Nothing, nothing!” she said quickly, shaking her head back and forth, hair fanning out with each turn. “I was just wondering if you would care to join me on a walk.”

          “Uh,” I paused for a second, “sure.”

          Taking out black holey jeans from my dresser across the room, I pulled them on as if Chloe weren’t in the room. I walked into my closet and slipped on a leather jacket over my grey tank top. After I laced up my grey Converse high-tops, I joined Chloe and we exited the room.

          Just as we reached the stairs I had to throw myself aside so I didn’t into the ignorant person climbing them. I pinched the bridge of my nose and asked “Chris, what are you doing?”

          “Multi-tasking,” he muttered as he shuffled up the stairs. He snapped the book in his hands shut and he turned around.  Shifting his weight to one foot, he pointed a finger at me. “Wait, what are you doing? You haven’t been out of your room all week except for school.”

          “I’m going on a walk.”

          “With whom?”

          “With Chloe,” I said pointing to the redhead. “If you didn’t have your nose smashed against that book, you would have noticed her in the first place. What are you reading anyway?”

          I climbed a few steps and reached for the book but he pulled it farther back. Trying again and this time he pulled the book behind his back. I reached around and it was above his head. Jumping up and down was to no avail as he was more than a foot taller than me.

          “Chris! Just let me see the book!” I demanded.

          “You don’t need to see it,” he tried to reason.

          “What’s so important about that book for you to need to hide it?”

          “If there’s nothing important, then why do you need to see it? And besides don’t you have a stroll to be on with Chloe?”

          I dropped my arm and could feel the muscles ache slightly from being raised. With a huff I spun around, making sure to hit Chris with my ponytail as I did. Loud steps down the stairs emphasized my annoyance.

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