Chapter 13: Matt Just Made it to the Top of my Kill List

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Immediately after discovering the wolfsbane displayed on the cement flooring, I dial Scott's phone knowing he would know what to do with this situation I'm now in. However, instead of reaching him, I receive his voicemail. He must still be at Lydia's crazed party...Lydia. Slowly, I pull the phone away from my ear and press the red button to hang up. Kneeling back down to the powder, I analyze it further to see if my suspicions are accurate.

Back at Lydia's party, everyone was acting out in similar ways. There has to be a correlation between wolfsbane and Lydia's laced punch. Anyone that drank her purple concoction was affected in some way and that can't be a coincidence. Which means that if Scott won't answer my calls, then there is only one other person in this town that can be of use and explain what the hell is going on. Taking Derek's Camaro, once again, I speed down the road to the one place I know where I can find him.

Within ten minutes, I swerve into the clinic's parking lot and hastily make my way to the entrance. Relief washes over me as I find him in the back working on some papers. It's unusual to me that someone would stay up till early morning to continue working when sleep is the better option, but what do I know. I've never worked a job in my life.

Looking up from his paperwork, he gives me a questioning look, "What can I do for you?"

I stride into the room as I explain my random appearance, "Derek's missing. He was at the depot, then suddenly he wasn't. And this is all I found left behind." I hold up a sample of the powdered wolfsbane I discovered before leaving Derek's secret hideout.

"Wolfsbane," he says aloud, taking in the substance held in my hand.

"Exactly," I agree. "But that's not all. Lydia drugged everyone that went to her party. Like, supernaturally drugged everyone. I know she had to have mixed wolfsbane into our drinks, but there had to have been more than that because it affected me and others that aren't apart of the supernatural world."

"You may be right about her lacing the drinks with wolfsbane," he gestures at the powder in between my fingers and I hand it over to him for him to analyze further. "It's not lethal against vampires, however, it can be used against a vampire if they consume enough of it."

"What do you mean?"

"It can act as a hallucinogenic."

"A hallucinogenic?" At first, it sounded absurd that something like wolfsbane could affect me, however, it makes sense because I experienced it first hand. It's what made me see Kol back at Lydia's party and what had the rest of the partygoers acting out. "Why would Lydia poison everyone with this, though? And what would she want with Derek?"

I watch him for an answer as the wheels in his head turn for some sort of reasonable theory. I thought her friends worked to keep her in the dark about the supernatural, yet here she is personally involving herself in our world. But how did she come across our world in the first place? Why would she feel obligated to lace our drinks with vervain? And what does she want with Derek?

I'm aware of her past with being bitten by an Alpha, but she never turned into a werewolf. It's like she's immune. Which sounds impossible, but she's proven herself multiple times that is can, in fact, be possible. She was immune to the kanima venom when we tested her about being the mass murderer running around town. She was immune to the bite. She has to be something supernatural to protect herself from all those things.

"I'm not sure," he answers and makes his way over to his medicine cabinet to grab a dog whistle. "But I may know where Derek is."

I stare at him confused as to why he would need a dog whistle, but I don't question him. In fact, I'm more curious as to how he knows where Derek has been taken to. He is only aware of what I know, which isn't much, yet he knows where Derek is? I'm going to need to keep a closer eye on him. He has more knowledge than he lets on and that is throwing a huge red flag for me.

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