Cup two: Say Yes

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Luke's mouth fell open before he could restrain his reaction. While gaping like a fish, fighting to form some kind of sensible word, a word like no, the table of teens behind him began to snicker and giggle obviously finding eaves dropping on someone else's private conversation amusing. Luke watched as Eric flashed a dazzling grin and winked at the group who was probably staring at them like some kind of zoo exhibit.

"So what do you say darling," Eric said turning his attention away from the gawking teens and back to his conquest in front of him. "Will you be my house wife?"

"Say yes..." A small females voice whispered from behind him and all Luke wanted to do was die from utter embarrassment.

Eric smiled again looking down at his hands as they folded and unfolded on top of the table. He was getting a real kick out of this.

Luke wondered just how much of the conversation the table behind them had heard. It seemed like they only started listening at the proposal part and it was all Luke could do to maintain his cool and not pull a table flip maneuver before bailing from the scene. So instead he sat there, brown brows furrowed as he stared at the smiling blue eyed man in front of him. This situation had gotten ridiculous.

The same female voice from before must have thought Luke needed some encouragement because from behind him a whispered chant of "say yes. say yes. say yes," began. Her voice was soon joined by the others of her table and it began to gradually grow louder drawing the attention of the flock of nearby hipsters.

Crimson, his face was probably crimson, burning red from embarrassment and rage.

Eric had a fist in front of his mouth as he attempted to hide the huge grin plastered across his face. "What do you say, Darling," He repeated, his bedroom tone being broken up by fought back laughs.

"OH FINE!" Luke stood up so fast he shook the table knocking over his coffee mug. It shattered on the floor, spilling his black coffee all over the white tiles. Eric stared at him wide eyed, grinning like a fool.

The table of girls behind him erupted into triumphant cheers while the man bun gang table started snickering to themselves probably judging him for his life choices. Like they had room to judge with hair like that.

"Good boy," Eric cooed like he was praising a rambunctious dog, "Now sit down Darling before you embarrass yourself."

"Embarrass myself?! I think that ship has sailed! Thanks!" Seriously how was he ever suppose to show his face to the public again. And his mother wondered why he was "antisocial." It was because of traumatic experiences like this.

"Luke," Eric seemed to almost purr his name, at least that was how Luke heard it.

"Screw you!" Luke spun on his heal to leave but before he could storm off a strong hand grabbed his arm, spun him back around and pulled him into something hard and broad.

Strong arms wrapped around him making it difficult for him to move, let alone get away. "What did I tell you if you kept offering?" Eric's deep voice resonated from inside his chest.

Luke looked up then realizing what exactly was happening. Eric had grabbed him in his attempt to flee the scene and pulled him right into his chest. Now small framed Luke was wrapped in the arms of the taller, broader framed man known as Eric, and the entire coffee shop was watching them. When did his life turn into a drama?

Heart hammering away in his chest, mostly out of confusion, anger, and that damn embarrassment that Eric seemed to be making worse, Luke struggled his hardest against the other man's broad chest, the fabric of his suit jacket stiff against his hands. "Let me go!"

Luke felt one arm drop away, thinking it was a sign of release he tried to slip away only to find out that one of Eric's arms was strong enough to hold him in place. Then before Luke realized what was happening, Eric's hand slipped beneath Luke's chin tilting his face up. Luke caught himself staring into stunning blue eyes before he continued to try to escape. His struggle didn't last long though, soon his view was full of Eric's face as Eric gently pressed his lips to Luke's. Luke's body went limp, all the strength draining out of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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