Well, this is MUCH later than it should've been...
These questions were from the wonderfully undead @PrincessOfTheWalkers!
First Question - Are you gay?
Why yes! Yes I am!
Second Question - If you are, when did you find out you were gay?
Well, I was questioning for about two years but around six months ago it kind of just slapped me across the face that I was, in fact, gay. Thinking on it now though, I'm either bloody stupid or just fucking blind. A bunch of years back, I was probably eleven or something, (yeah, I've apparently been perverted for a long time) I would go onto clothes sites and click on the lingerie just to zoom in on the pictures and urr.
You get where I'm going.
Not to mention that was I was even youger, I would watch the daytime TV with my mum if I was off school or something, point at a lady and say something like 'I wanna marry her!' or 'I love her!'.
I was very forward apparently with the television ladies.
Third Question - How did your parents react?
Ok, my mum was awesome with it except for the fact that she said it might (she did stress the 'might') just be a phase. She was also a little 'ugh' about the whole 'lack of grandchildren' situation. Even though though if I ever get into a serious relationship and decide we want a child, I could actually just adopt which means I'm not playing chance and can get the son I want! So long as my partner agrees with that, that is. My dad was just a bit agreeing with the fact that women are awesome and he understands and whatever but he's an asshole so whatever.
Aaaaaand, I think that's all~
Well, thank you for the questions @PrincessOfTheWalkers and I'm sorry for the delay!
If any of you other people feel like delving into my personal life, ask a question in the comments and I'll get to it! (At some point)
Fabulous regards,
iNSaNiTY - Mowing the lawn sucks. Hands. Down.