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you're always on my mind,
but I'm never on yours,
I never even cross your mind anymore,
I know that now,
I can just tell,

you barely say a word to me,
it breaks my heart each time you come my way,
not even glancing at me,
not even acknowledging my existence,
you don't even say "hi" when you see me,

my heart tears in half when I see you,
because I know that I will never have you,

I love you,
and that's the truth,
I try to hide it as much as possible,
but I can't,

you're power over me is too much,
I try to get closer,
but you keep drifting away,
further and further,
I try to keep up,
but I just can't,

it's impossible for me to love you,
when you won't let me,
when you love someone else,
when you won't love me back.

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