The present

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Until now, the clothes, CD & the notebook are still here. I really keep it. It’s the only things that will remind me of him.

When I was in 2nd year high school, I don’t know how it happened but the pants got lost. Huhu! TT.TT

Carlo is using the short & I’m using the jogging pants. I’m still playing the CD whenever I want to.


I really miss him so effin’ much! I tried to search for his name in facebook but there’s too many “Youngkwang Lee”.

I tried talking to some of it that looks like him but they said they are not the Youngkwang I’m looking for

In memories of him, & I know it shouldn’t matter.

As my heart begins to shatter, I’m left to wander

Just how it should have been.

For the readers:

Thanks for reading this. I love you all:* <3 subscribe & comment 

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