Jama Shinai de Here We Go! / Dokyuu no Go Sign / Wakain da shi! (邪魔しないで Here We Go!/弩級のゴーサイン/若いんだし!; Don't Bother Me, Here We Go! / Dreadnought's Go Sign / Because You're Young!) is Morning Musume '17's 64th single. This is the debut single for 14th generation member Morito Chisaki and the last single to feature 10th generation member Kudo Haruka. It also celebrates the group's 20th anniversary.
Jama Shinai de Here We Go! / 邪魔しないで Here We Go!
Wakain da shi! / 若いんだし!
Dokyuu no Go Sign /弩級のゴーサイン
FanfictionMorning Musume (モーニング娘。; Morning Girls), currently known as Morning Musume '21 (モーニング娘。'21, read as Morning Musume Two-One), is the lead group of Hello! Project. Official Profile - http://www.helloproject.com/morningmusume/ Official YouTube Channel...